Cool your heels, Mabel

Longtime Jez fan, first time poster. I created this account just now because Jackie was a casual friend of mine and I’m the one who sent the story into Jezebel. Just wanted to say thank you so much for using my tip and posting her story. Jackie was a funny, charming, kind young woman and we are trying to get her story

Can’t imagine how that ex-girlfriend is feeling right now, too.

He makes me so angry. He’s not a “prankster” as he fancies himself. It’s not clever to grab unsuspecting women. And it doesn’t matter that she’s surrounded by people; the natural reaction is fear for her safety. I really wish her security had knocked him out.

I saw that interview and I think what Governor Bigot was trying to hide behind was innocent until proven guilty, which is not a “right” at all. As public employees engaged in publicly directed work IN PUBLIC PLACES, they have precisely zero reasonable expectation of privacy.

I hear he’s more like a cut rate Trump.

So it’s your belief your Constitutional Rights end when you work for private business? That explains the toilet cams and daily slave auctions at my job.

The extra fun part about his whole “constitutional rights” spiel is that the only constitutional right I can think of that makes even a glimmer of sense to invoke when it comes to releasing dash-cam/body-cam footage to the public (and it’s only a glimmer, because I can’t come up with any legitimate constitutional

Municipal government, jackass.

So my employer can monitor my key strokes and have a camera in my office and countless other monitoring set ups and that is okay but a body cam on a cop would violate his/her constitutional rights. Come on now.

So the urinary habits of private citizens are fair game for legal intercession, but it’s uncool to discuss or oversee the potentially deadly actions of on-duty public servants? Got it.  

When people, including our city’s police chief, who is a remarkably restrained guy who has managed to create a pretty diverse police force in a very racially divided urban area, gives a radio interview casually equating violent protestors and terrorists with Black Lives matter organizers, I really don’t know what to

I'm not in the medical profession, but I wonder if they kept it vague because they couldn't mention modern medical practices? I wasn't really clued into the "twist" until the fireman showed up, but I did wander why they were trying a vaginal birth on preemie multiples.

If he’s so fucking brilliant, why doesn’t he know better than to rape women?

Wikepedia hasn’t discovered it for us yet? Wikepedia hasn’t discovered it for us yet?!? Wikipedia hasn’t discovered it for us yet. The people behind this show, do they know what Wikipedia is? I would have changed the channel the moment after reading that.

The list of things black people can’t do without getting shot continues to grow: walking from the convenience store with skittles, having your car break down, waiting for the bus, reading a book, being disabled, being able-bodied, standing around, breathing, existing....

That shocked me too. Then I think of every white gunman who is apprehended alive after they have committed actual felonies. And I think about all the other countries that have police forces that don’t have guns, or use them rarely. Our nation is addicted to guns, it is a distinctly American problem, compounded by

I was about to flag the first response to your post, but I held off and read the rest of the exchange. Thank you for being an example of grace and kindness.

And it’s legal to have a firearm as long as you obtained it legally, so even if he did get out of the car armed, their response was bullshit.

But even if he did get out of the car with a firearm...