Cool yer heels, Mabel

I had some serious rage in the gif seeing people standing on the left tho

“Say what you will about North Korea, but damn that place looks immaculate. “

She’s perhaps too skinny and clinically aloof for that.

‘Twas thinking it’s her awkward Deborah Harry phase, (without the cool factor).

So you liked Cochella before it was cool, huh?

jinni’s got your back, the deadline this year is Monday.

Banana peppers improve any savory salad or sandwich.

but it is just a bunch of calvin harris loving dorks now.

There is a me though.

Has anyone here actually been to Coachella? Is it as bad as I think it is?

And here is our mascot.

I kind of want a real cat to be inside that.

You aren’t! The deadline was extended this year!

Well, good girls don’t. They also do not: date, have jobs, move out of their parents’ homes, get an education, decide not to marry and breed, challenge the men in their lives in any way (fathers/husbands/brothers/rapists) - see. All of the world’s problems would be solved if women would just stop expecting so much.

One of the best pieces of advice I ever heard, which we should be telling men and women is “When you get drunk, get high, etc, you put your safety into the hands of others.” I actually read this on a travel blog. This is something everyone should think about, are you able to effectively evaluate your safety? If not,

Right, because there’s no use in teaching those same frat bros that what they’re doing is wrong. Instead we should make the onus totally on women not to get raped and leave the frat bros alone so they continue their behavior. /s

His next advice - Just don’t be a woman.

“Don’t go to parties where there’s a lot of alcohol.”

Women should also avoid spaces where men are likely to be present, because men may strike at any time, especially if provoked. A man who is about to strike will raise himself into an intimidating posture and then shake the rattle on his tail in order to warn away a woman who he sees as a potential target.

Poor Ram fan.

Why are they wearing pageant dresses?