To be fair, Ann Coulter is the dumb Ann Coulter.
To be fair, Ann Coulter is the dumb Ann Coulter.
Just find a few friends to go in on a bag together.
Jesus. All of this and no FOOD suggestions?? Stoners like to eat, okay?
I must be the only person on the planet who is not enamored of Adele. I mean, she has a great voice and all, but her songs make me want to drink bad wine and FB stalk my exes. Very depressing music, IMO.
Is not the obvious answer to the food stamp problem just to pay people a living wage?
So fucking tired of hearing about America’s special freedoms as if dozens of other countries around the globe don’t enjoy the same or better. Like the US is a freedom unicorn. Goddamnit!
You’ve contradicted yourself in two sentences.
I feel like she does one of these “big reveals” about the song every year or so.
She’s not patriotic enough to know that clothing meant to look like the flag is in bad form and some republicans take their flag etiquette very seriously.
I get very sad when I have to travel to a city with no Kimpton.
Hey! They aren’t groupies—- they’re Band Aids. They’re there because of the music.
I think you’d have a hard time hiding your AK-47
For dogs.
A pat-down revealed the bomb vest one terrorist was wearing at the Stade de France.
In what stadium or concert hall in the US are people allowed to bring guns?
Gift cards are the way to go for teachers.
Glad someone said it! I thought maybe I was being an old about it.
I’m not as scared as I would be had they not issued the stay in June allowing those clinics to remain open.
You’ll be happy to know that my then-13 year old lectured her classmates last year while on a school trip to DC about why it’s rude to stand left on the Metro escalators. She also sheparded them into neat little groups when they were 6-abreast on the sidewalk, reminding them they aren’t the center of the universe and…