I hate Lootcrate. Every time I consider finally ending it they put out a cracking crate for a month or two. Seems like the quality has been a bit more consistent lately though.
I hate Lootcrate. Every time I consider finally ending it they put out a cracking crate for a month or two. Seems like the quality has been a bit more consistent lately though.
Rise of the Tomb Raider, I’m enjoying it like the last game, but sadly the tombs are still far to simple. I’ve done 3 so far, they took about 5 minutes, 10 for one because it involved filling the tomb with water. I sure hope the rest are improved like the devs claimed, because so far they are severely disappointing. I…
War and Peace are my boobs’ names.
She’s playing a horrible person in a horrible movie adapted from horrible books. Written by a horrible writer. That’s a lot of horrible to transcend, Oscar or no.
God the amount of so-called “liberal” men I met during university who were complete misogynists (one asked if my Women’s Studies class, which I was very excited about as an 18 year old fledgling feminist, taught us “how to insert tampons.”) is almost as high as the amount of conservative men I met who hate women. The…
One star = 1 prayer
No, they want women to vote, you just need to listen harder when they are telling you who to vote for.
It must be hard to consider yourself liberal and progressive and just hate women with every molecule of your being. That must be a real challenge during election season. We should pray for them.
Yeah, I hear you. Yesterday, Bernie’s facebook page posted a status about the pay gap between men and women. So many bros came forward to say that it didn’t exist. I almost sobbed.
Seriously, Berniebros, I don’t need politics mansplained to me. And I already have to fend off verbal tirades from my conservative family members, so knock it off.
I have done Bernie Sanders the favor of hiding any Bernie Bros in my facebook or twitter so that I can make reasonable decisions about the election without feeling like I want to punch Bernie supporters* straight in the taint.
You’re dealing with an extremely old but modified graphics engine. Despite that, they still manage to make outstanding looking areas because of good art direction and design.
I know this article will get a lot of “I’m tired of the cartoony look, it’s soooo bad” crap but I still love it. There are plenty of games using realistic graphics. It’s good to see video games that still look like they are video games. Especially when the art and aesthetics are so damn nice. I will never understand…
I’m glad she was able to get the surgery and end her suffering.
You’re acting like I’m reaching into the toilet and splashing around everything that’s in there. I wipe my ass and leave. I don’t stand up, squish my cheeks together (WITH EVERYTHING IN THERE) and then attempt to wipe.