The Democratic Party absolutely abandoned these voters. When a Democratic President championed and signed the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act, it turned its back on everything these voters stood for.
No. It’s code for “When dad left and had a second family we didn’t completely reject them. Even though they’re black! Where’s our medal??”
I hope they send Melania and Donnie a save-the-date card, but never send an invitation.
We made it so that she had two houses
There’s always that one trashy, half-crazy (of full blown nutter) and embarrassing relative we all wish we could hide away forever
I really don’t get the impetus of parents that spend an exorbitant amount of money for a vacation for children that won’t remember a thing about the experience. Its one thing to take a toddler to a play, the zoo, a kids concert, etc, but to take a two year old to a theme park where they can’t even ride most of the…
Fuck baby boomers. They benefited immensely from the welfare state they are currently in the process of destroying. Selfish, greedy motherfuckers who demand we all worship their nostalgic bullshit. I hate them (except my dad. He’s a good one.)
Jason. You work a a company. I assume there are more than one person there. You don’t like the game or the series. So much so you skipped one of the prior TWO games. WTF would you be chosen to review it?
People from New York are so freaking HYSTERICAL when they make sweeping generalizations about entire states that they clearly know little to nothing about! It kind of makes me sad for New Yorkers (or people from Maine who move there and get judgy). They spend an outrageous amount of money to live in a once…
Someone was actually paid to design that rug.
This is a good move but it really should be a permanent one. This is a full priced game with a season pass. Applying a free to play model to the game is outrageous. I hope, however, that this sends a message that his loot box crap won’t fly. I doubt it, though. EA will just reinstate it and publishers will keep trying…
I mean so do women. They should not be a secondary concern here. The but you are right in that this inmate is also entitled to be safe (so are the men who are sexually abused in prison).
Yeah, it gets legally complicated because no one is prohibiting the prisoner from “being his gender” in a male prison. The prison system separates prisoners according to their *biological sex* which is fixed, and cannot be changed. Even with gender reassignment surgery to become a woman, you are still biologically…
Though I support trans rights, I still feel like transition surgery and related costs isn’t something that necessarily needs to be provided as a god given right, and I’m not religious just using god given as a phrase. Maybe I don’t understand what trans related services are and they’re not the financial burden I’m… is everyone else’s fault....not the person who screwed up and got sent to prison. No, no responsibility there.