Lyle Lanley

A bad IGN review? So it only got 15 out of 10?

Playing through this I noticed something funny.

As I woman, I have more to fear from straight men than from any other group. I’d rather use a public restroom with only women and trans women. I’m not pee and poop shy. I’ll pee and poop wherever. However, I don’t want to be in a public restroom with my panties down where men can come in there. I watch enough

The proper door thing is paramount. I have no problems with it, but not if there's a half inch gap to stare through. My time in the UK was a revelation. Like why in the fuck can't North Americans have proper doors? It's obviously possible.

One of the more shocking realizations in my life is that I am probably as uncomfortable using a non-gender-specific restroom as my great-grandparents were at using a non-race-specific restroom. (Note: I am not saying that race and sexuality are the same or that their civil rights movements are completely parallel).

Bless their hearts. They tried real hard. Instead they just looked like this:

That price is why I could never justify a gaming laptop. Those specs are legitimately impressive, don’t get me wrong, but a desktop could do that for a third of the price.

these are literally the only arguments they have for limiting reproductive health care rights. That’s why these fights are so ridiculous, because they only have emotion on their side.

This shit right here is why I’m voting for whoever the fuck gets the Democratic nomination. There is too much at stake for this hyperbole that Hillary is just another republican. Tell that to my uterus assholes.

Don’t you just love it that the anti-choice movement chooses random developmental milestones to tug at people’s heartstrings? A heartbeat at 6 weeks means very little (nothing really) in terms of viability or the elusive beginning of life. GTFO with this sappy shit.

In defense of Microsoft: If multiple devices goes down, it probably the actual source of the connection and not the devices. No way do they all just fail at the same time.

Don’t blame Microsoft. It’s not their fault the tablets are full of spyware.

If you even have to convince people your mom would vote for you you’ve already lost.

I’m in my 50s. I have so many stories of how women had to go through hell to get an abortion or birth control and what happened when they couldn’t get one or both.

So that’s where Justin Beiber got his look...

It took me a moment to realize what you were talking about.

because if they made it to scale it would be 1000 bucks minimum. Even the UCS millenium falcon isnt a full scale model. A star destroyer build to scale would neede to be the size of a minivan since its supposed to house 72 tie fighters and 2 lambda shuttles in its hangers, 20 at ats and 30atsts, plus living bunks for