Lyle Lanley

15k in your pocket every year after room and board in Central London? No commute, no Council Tax, no qualifications needed? This is an absolutely amazing job. I can’t think of any other entry-level position which could let you easily put away 10k a year in savings anywhere in the UK.

R.I.P. Loot-A-Rang

Is Tirion dead, though? When the pre-patch dropped his NPC in ICC gained a few new voice lines on click which sounded a lot like he was dying and begging your adventurer to assist him, quickly. I think being dropped into a giant pool of fel gunk was merely a setback.

I want to hug my IUD so bad right now.

I want to be interested in this game but shit like this needs to stop.

Gonna need to see the stats on the data which generated that graph. The tiny increments and log scale have me very skeptical.

It’s not a utopia (there are many reasons I moved away to the People’s Republic of Taxifornia) but on healthcare access, at least, the UK has most places beat.

Absolutely none of the same stuff. Abortions are available on the NHS for free (as in $0) to any woman who wants one and is less than 25 weeks along. You see a handful of placard-wielding whackadoodles outside the Stopes clinics (which are privately run) but the average abortion will take place at a normal doctors

It’s worth pointing out that Marie Stopes is the UK’s private abortion provider. English women can still get abortions anywhere, anytime for free on the NHS as long as they don’t mind having less flexibility in appointment times.

Those were hairier times, maybe it was to achieve a smoother bush look?

who hails from Essex, presumably a toilet therein

I saw some fencing live at the London Paralympics and have been hooked ever since. It’s mesmerising in the flesh.

There are plenty of cards with a good mana:power ratio which include a nasty deathrattle which will hit the user hard. Silencing them makes them far less risky.

There’s a very good chance it’s a UK credit card and she’d forgotten to tell her bank she was going away, or it had been picked up on by the fraud department that the card was being used in lots of different places in a short space of time. Happens all the time when travelling, especially if you’re going to more than

Here is a regularly updated list of cables and devices which meet said enginner’s approval. Looks like Anker get the all-clear for cables, at the very least.

Here is a regularly updated list of cables and devices which meet said enginner’s approval. Looks like Anker get the

From a technical standpoint, how is this supposed to work? The 3DS doesn’t have Bluetooth so will it be WiFi?

Fetch me my fainting couch, I’m experiencing a fit of the vapors!

According to Wikipedia he has an identical twin brother. Our chances just doubled!

What they really need to do is update this: