
There are no public preschools where i live. Public school starts at kindergarten.

Husband and i took a new last name. His dad’s side of the family (divorced parents) were PISSED. We told them as soon as we made the decision, but when it was brought up again closer to the wedding, they acted like it was news and expressed their disapproval. We explained our reasoning and assured them that it was not

I quit the pill two years ago. Took three months to get pregnant the first time; had a miscarriage at 11 weeks. Took 10 months to get pregnant the second time; had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. Then it only took two months to get pregnant for the third time, and I’m currently 34 weeks and most definitely going to have a

Seconded! I would be all up on that site.

I’m currently pregnant with a daughter, and I’m in the same boat as you. I’m a VERY hairy lady, but all my body hair is translucent blonde, so it doesn’t show up too bad (though that didn’t stop me from SHAVING MY ARMS all through middle and high school). My husband is also extremely hairy, but his body hair is black.

I ignored #5 and straight up told most of my vendors what our budget for that particular area was. Most of them appreciated that and were honest with me about what would and wouldn’t fit within the budget. I ended up spending a little more than expected on the dress ($950 instead of $900 to switch to a fabric I liked

Ugh thank you for saying something. It sounds like the nanny only comes three days a week... That probably costs just as much as full-time day care. I assume everyone expressing shock have no idea how childcare works or what it costs. Is it expensive? Yes. But like you said, what should she do? Quit her job?

As for the

Are you being sarcastic or have you not heard anything about Bernie Sanders?

We just didn’t tell anyone beyond our parents that our wedding was going to be vegetarian. Nobody noticed!!! They all loved the food.

We did that! It’s a pain to get it changed, though. The guy we got our marriage license from told us that we could just take the marriage certificate to the DMV and tell them what we wanted our new name to be. Not true, at least not in Missouri. I could change my name to his or hyphenate mine, but he couldn’t change

I definitely agree it’s sexist. I was okay with taking my husband’s last name, though, because he had a really cool last name. But ultimately we both took on an entirely new name. So yay, feminism.

Not a typo! I had a male attendant :)

This. I did not expect any gifts from my bridesmates at all. I ended up being pleasantly surprised and humbled by gifts from them, especially since I had asked them to pay for their own attire. I got gifts to thank THEM for BEING in my wedding and helping me and the stress and all that... dang, I feel like thanking

I’ve actually had sex dreams about Cubes.

The internet says there are so many things to do with the fiber, but... that’s... just another thing I have to do...

We registered for a juicer, thinking, yeah! We will totally make fresh juices all the time!

He deserves more than a successful woman who has written, produced, and acted in her own films? She’s a successful, intelligent, and talented woman. The fact that Hamm was with her made me think he might be a good person.

I want Jennifer to make more movies toooooo. She’s a great writer.

A few points: Hamm and Westfeldt were never married. They’ve just been in a long-term committed relationship this whole time. Also, Jennifer is more than an actress—she’s also a screenwriter, and Jon has appeared as minor characters in all of her films. In fact I’d venture to say she was more successful than he was