

Hmmm, “old folks” should just sit at a desk, take their insulin, and wait to die? Haha

I feel their pain, but this can be said for lots of other activities, ie walking, driving, playing basketball, etc. Life has risks. 

I think the snark is because we all were the weirdos in high school (I’m channeling Faruza Balk in the Craft here lol). When you’re older you’ll be saying the same stuff. For us it’s ‘a crappy version of Portishead decided to coopt hip hop aesthetic and call it deep.’ For ya’ll it’ll be ‘a crappy version of Billie

Because you are a danger to unsuspecting pedestrians and sometimes senior citizens. I have no quarrel with skate parks, but whizzing through shared walk spaces, like the campus quad or the library steps is hazardous and irresponsible. Also, I don't consider 25 an adult male, just a pre-adult male. Full disclosure: my

So just finished reading your article. I’m a man in his late afternoon 30's and would like to comment on each of your 10 observations with the following :

They’re the same people that bitch at roller skaters and tell me my knees will hate me when I'm 30. I'm approaching 40 soon.

I also think the opinion is dumb and at the same time, chill. Definitely comment about how dumb this opinion is, but you sound inordinately angry for the silly piece that it is (one the points is humans don’t have wheels...), which is just encouragement for silly pieces. It started angry and stayed there until it

Maria Sherman, Stop hating and jump on a board. If people were to listen to what others tell them, they wouldn’t live their life to their fullest at all. A 50 year old skater from nyc...

This opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

What’s an adult amateur skateboarder? An adult who skates, but isn’t paid for it? Or an adult who is learning how to skate and isn’t very good? I’m 28(adult) and I’ve been skating since I was 9. I can heelflip into a noseslide(a moderately complex manoever), but I don’t get paid to skateboard. It’s my exercise. Some

You must feel super threatened if you felt the need to immediately list your credentials here. My god, please reflect on that a minute.

As a long time reader of Jezebel and a skater I gotta say this is a disappointing take. Skate culture has traditionally been for the weirdos and the people that don’t fit in anywhere. It’s mostly driven by a DIY ethos and eschews corporate involvement. For as many hard partying goofballs there are in the culture,


I got a skateboard at 44. My teenagers, my 71-year-old dad and I take turns pushing it around the local park. We suck, but it's good to suck at stuff and keep doing it until you suck less.

I’m ok with adult men skateboarding, i’m not ok with adult men riding electric skateboards or those one wheel things, or the fucking scooters. 

Now playing

Yeah, but that old dude In the Advil commercial!....

Meh. Adult women and men should just enjoy what they enjoy, so long as they’re not hurting anyone, without fear of judgement from others.

I was gonna object. Then I remembered all the shit women get told we’re too old for (at IMHO ridiculously young ages). So go ahead and tell men they are too old for this one thing.

Do what you enjoy. I still rollerblade religiously. I’m too old to give a fuck what you think about the things that make my life slightly less miserable.