Lydia Deetz

This commercial for Sandals is awfully dramatic.

fuck you Paul Ryan my IUD is here to stay for another ten to twelve years. MENOPAUSE HERE I COME *AIRHORN NOISE AIRHORN NOIIIISSSE*

Being ride or die for your friends, even when they’re accused of horrible things, is not a virtue. It’s the hallmark of rapey fraternities and crooked cops. I was never in the fraternity, so seeing men who are willing to turn on their friends when they behave badly is a sign that I might find some safety in a group.

I’ve fucking had it up to here with all the people looking around incredulously, pretending to be stupefied that the word “Pocahontas” is now somehow off-limits. It’s not the word itself, you nitwits, and you damn well know it.

Regarding Al Franken: His actions were horrible, but at what point do we can we stop painting everyone with the same brush? He was a comedian, albeit one that I never found particularly funny. He’s clearly joking in the one picture that I saw, and grabbing someone’s butt during a photo in the past sounds like a

I bet I know what kind of plane he was flying.

Question of the day: Why do people give such shit to Hillary saying it was a “MASSIVE MISTAKE” to refer to racists and sexist pieces of shits as a “basket of deplorables” but Trump can call Kim Jon-un short and fat etc and all the other insane shit he says but since he says so much of it people don’t even care?

My SIL sells this garbage. My wife and I refer to it as “clothes for the suburban mom who has given up.”

I’d like Mueller to go to Jared.

Oh LA get ready to find your safe spaces! What am I? Well if you’re a conservative, I’m American AF. If you’re a lib, I’m “offensive.” Let’s go.

I’m someone with legitimate pain issues, who decided to go off opioids, anyway, because I was sick and tired of being treated like a criminal by the pain management doctors.

When I woke up to the Vegas news yesterday all I could do was ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If you are here to say “not all gun owners” in a response to a discussion about gun control:

Guys, I know we’re all tired. I’m tired. But we have to keep calling. Use ResistBot to fax, call when you can. We can’t let this pass without a fight.

She was robbed (literally) of that election, dragged through the dirt for the stupidest reasons by an entire party that gleefully admitted to trying to destroy her, and she has more than earned her right to vent about the unbelievable shit show that was last year.

Yeah, they’re totally different categories of food indeed. New York’s is pizza, Chicago’s isn’t.

Horseshit like this is why people hate libertarians.

“God’s got this.”

Yes, I wrote this song as a teenager in 2001.