Lydia Deetz

She was born with a silver-plated plastic spoon in her mouth.

I am sure we are all getting a contact high off of this unmitigated freedom we have read about today. Ain’t it grand?

I don’t get it. I just really don’t. I voted for Bernie. I hyped him up as much as I could to everyone who’d listen. I donated. I love the progressive politics.

Yeah, I’m not really thrilled with the reinforcement of the idea of women’s bodies as an “embodiment of nature” more than men’s bodies. The woman-as-nurturing-earth-mother-figure is not necessarily feminist. When it’s used to suggest that women are fundamentally different from men—more nurturing, more connected to

Are we really comparing Swift to Michael Jackson now in terms of impact on popular music with a straight face?

BMI vice president Barbara Cane said of the award decision, “We felt it appropriate to invent an award for Taylor so she would show up at our ceremony to provide free publicity.

Do not even presume to claim that this is in any way about safety.

you’ve probably already seen the dear sugar post, as it’s linked fairly often around here, but your comment reminded me of it. Gets me every time I read it, as I’m currently figuring out whether I want to board that ship or not.

That's right. Keep your mouth shut and smile. Because women haven't been given that damaging advice for our entire lives. Also, somehow she is supposed to do this while appearing as a strong leader.

Abortion clinic worker here. We have to be honest about fetal development to truly preserve access to abortion. This bill is about pregnancies at 20+ weeks. That is not a clump of cells, it is a recognizable forming fetus. We can acknowledge that AND still be pro-choice.

It’s really important that Democrat voters also get out in number and vote in their state and local elections, not just for the presidency. It’s these state elections that have the most consequence for these stupid TRAP and woman-punishing laws.

Hey guys. It’s Canada, your sensible neighbor. We’re not sure what exactly you’re up to down there, but we’re starting to get concerned. This fun prank you’ve been pulling where you let a sentient garbage fire run for the leadership of your nation has gone just about far enough. We’d like you to stop now, you’re

love actually was garbage come @ me

and IMO, if HE should be considering dropping out... so should Hillary.

seriously. strategically speaking, it could actually be a good move.

Really? You’re going all Tea Party?

Plus I have a hard time sympathizing with registered independents in closed primary states. Not wanting to be labeled even though there are literally no consequences or obligations associated with party affiliation feels so ridiculously precious and self indulgent. Registering with a party is even less onerous than

I’m so glad the NY primary is going to be over so I don’t have to hear idiots who feel like they shouldn’t have to follow the rules whine about “voter suppression”. No a closed primary that only allows party member to choose the candidate for that party is not suppression. You not bothering to look up the rules is not

When men get even half the amount of don’t rape messages that women get about not getting drunk/dressing in a short skirt/walking the street alone/existing in public, then we can talk about for now...

If legislators care SO DAMN MUCH about black and brown babies, they could, you know, address the poverty, lack of educational opportunity, lack of parental leave and affordable childcare options, shitty sex ed and access to contraception and reproductive care, and myriad other factors that actually influence into

“Between 40 and 50 percent of all African-American babies are killed before they’re born. A Hispanic child is three times more likely to be aborted than a white child.”