Lydia Deetz

Oh, shut up.

I’ll never be less saddened by how many people will protect little clusters of cells in a woman’s uterus, but completely disregard the woman herself. We’re actually living people with full constitutional rights, but our lives don’t matter compared to what we could gestate. It’s disgusting.

As a POC I don’t disagree with anything he said. At that point in time shit was like it was now but like 50 times worse. Black Community leaders endorsed this bill. HELL BERNIE SANDERS ENDORSED THIS BILL with his sorry not sorry reasons. And the black community does have some onus to take on here. Hindsight is 20/20.

I’m don’t want to deal with people who got enthusiastic about free college tuition, single payer for all, no wars, Wall Street and the banks broken up...because with no concrete plan to do any of that, and no congressional support, none of it can happen. There will be a very bitter backlash, and I don’t want a swing

Ok, so I had a bunch of white people telling me how minorities should vote for Bernie because he’s obviously so good for us and why can’t we just realise that??!!

JFC. Democrats are being handed this election to them on a silver fucking platter, and they want to set it on fire. Support your candidate, don’t denigrate the other, and whoever wins the nod, vote -D. It’s really not that fucking hard.

I do love a millennial who thinks 40 years olds are so old we don’t know what the internet is or how to use it. (do they not teach the history of the technology in school?)

Go Go Gadget Bible!

I can’t see Tom Cruise as anyone but Tom Cruise. And I despise Tom Cruise, which is extremely distracting when I’m trying to watch a movie.

Despite his comments about at least two of his daughters (Tiffany here, the comments about Ivanka saying “If she weren’t my daughter...”), I actually don’t think he wants to have sex with his own children. Rather, I think he believes that the highest compliment you can give a woman is to call her fuckable. Which leads

Ha. Attempted entrapment that rebounded back into his face.

you raid our uteri, we’ll raid your home. QUID PRO QUO, FUCKFACE.

Also, just like a bunch of millenials to not recognize the opportunity to have some art that Delia Deetz from Beetlejuice would have killed for.

Yeah, stupid Hillary with her research and planning and policy and basically knowing all of her shit. It’s almost like there’s a ephemeral reason why she needs to always come off prepared and not wing it like the rest of the people in the election.

So this is what it looks like when journalists finally start vetting Sanders, huh?

Just remember to put the seat back down after y’all are done today, k?

Women like this - educated, yet still Republican - come from a place of such privilege that they, too, feel that everything they ever had was earned on pure merit. Dad worked hard so they had money. It’s simple to understand when you are a child and simple to keep thinking that when you are an adult and you got to

nevermind that our economic ‘greatness’ came from us literally being the only nation that was standing after WWII and we were the only nation capable of making and selling stuff to all of those bombed out countries.

Also female ex-GOP and I’d definitely argue I was a republican mostly because of how I was raised and because most young, politically minded people I knew were Democrats and I really enjoyed being contrary. Then I just kind of got used to it and ended up working in Republican politics for a decade after graduating