Lydia Deetz

................. you’re not good at like, reading, or the internet, or whatever.

Dear Speaker Ryan,

It’s a good thing my dog is going to live forever and I won’t have to go through this.

no no no, don’t reward them

Of course everybody wants what Bernie wants. The problem is that there’s no way he can deliver. We already elected a dreamer and the GOP has made it their life’s work to discredit him. I want someone who knows how to get things done.

God yes. We do not help the feminist cause by trying to encourage the idea that as ‘women’ we all think exactly the same.

I love it when fence-sitters like you try very earnestly to explain that some people sincerely believe abortion is murder. You’re like the apologist who insists that more people would embrace Christianity if they just knew all the cool stuff Jesus said, like that shit is some well-kept secret. WE FUCKING GET IT. THE

If we had some safe way to gestate them outside of a human body, I’d be more willing to call this murder, but with the whole concept of body autonomy, I personally don’t think its right to force someone to carry a pregnancy they didn’t want.

“I felt so cared for, and so respected.”

I just wish people understood that the day after Bernie Sanders wins a Democratic primary, the GOP would launch a character assassination campaign that would render him unelectable within a week.


Here’s the thing: I teach at a university and have had transgender students in my classes. If a student is receiving hormone therapy and has for some time, it is very, very likely that that student can “pass” (which is an imperfect term, but you get what I mean) for the gender they’re living as. I would never have

Someone needs to sit him and Ben Affleck down for a serious discussion.

They certainly are. I have read analysis that have compared Sanders to Trump: they are the same person on different ends of the spectrum as both make promises they can’t possibly keep. Trump: deport all Muslims, build a wall. Sanders: Medicare for all! Both groups of supporters seem to overlook the fact that the

Are you not seeing all of the arguments that Bernie has a better chance of winning the general, or that Hillary isn’t really progressive so Dems won’t vote for her?

Hillary Clinton’s 3-page memo to the media really makes it sound like she’s not expecting to win the nomination, period =\ ... And the talk I’m hearing regarding Sanders ground game in South Carolina seem to support that conclusion =\ .

Will this never cease to be the truth??

“I usually wake up at 6:30am,”

Oh, totally! I get that so much.

I’m a parent and I agree with you 100%. Many advocates argue convincingly that we will never address the issue of providing workplace flexibility/ reasonable work-life balancing until we make it about *everyone” and it stops being about "just moms."