Lydia Deetz

The warning has just a hint of the mentality that considers all women of childbearing age to be “pre-pregnant.” There’s already a substantial portion of the population that sees women as walking incubators, and I worry that this could encourage that thinking.

WHAT IS SO WRONG WITH BEING THE SYSTEM, I ASK YOU. I would prefer the country to NOT crash and burn, thank you.

I don’t mind Bernie. He sounds like my Queens-born father and looks like a Philosophy professor I had in undergrad. His problem is his ideas and proposals, while great, have zero chance of working with the Congress. Congress, which is a bag of dicks, would eat him for lunch. Clinton knows how to work the system in her

This shit right here is why I’m voting for whoever the fuck gets the Democratic nomination. There is too much at stake for this hyperbole that Hillary is just another republican. Tell that to my uterus assholes.

No. Hell is too good for him, and it would mean he’s dead. Let the guards assigned to his inevitable suicide watch be diligent in removing all shoelaces from the vicinity, the better to keep him from death’s sweet release, and let him rot in the system with nobody ever visiting or even topping up his commissary

I guess I shouldn’t hate Jennifer Lawrence personally (because really - who’s going to turn down a sweet gig) but I am so over her playing 40-year-old characters with 40-year-old costar love interests. It bothers me in a very visceral way.

I feel ambivalent at the moment but it’s more like I can envision my self enjoying either life. I think that’s a good place to be in. I think I’d like being a parent, it’s just a different life. My thought right now is that I’ll wait it out and if I don’t feel a strong pull to have kids then I won’t, but if I do then

I think when you know, you know. People have told me for forever i would change my mind when I was older. I just turned 29 and my firmly held belief that i never want to have kids is now a solid 20 years old. The older I get the more confident I am about it. I think there is a huge difference between “I don’t think I

I’m 33, and now a lot of my peers are fully in baby making mode. My first reaction to a pregnancy announcement is always sadness, then bewilderment. That’s how I know I shouldn’t have kids. To me, it just sounds like a raw deal. Whatever prompts those people to want kids, I just don’t have.

She is speaking with a borrowed authority and I don’t respect her. Thousands of people are killed every year - she has a platform because her husband had a movie made about him.

Well I served my nation in both Desert Storm and during the Mogidishian conflict and we don’t need his kind. His wife’s opinion on this, and she is trading on his “fame”, is less than useless. It’s disgusting.

I love that because her husband was a mass murdering “patriot” she thinks her opinion should some weight.

They are! WHY NOT JUST POST THOSE. The women in the original portraits are all absolutely gorgeous.

I’m a terrible person, because my initial reaction to this was to OD on schadenfreude.
Second reaction: yay baby??? We’re supposed to be happy when those things are born right?

Excuse Me?

i will just copy and paste what i posted yesterday on IO9

Whenever I check in with the gun-toting nuts on my Facebook feed, their posts are all centered around the idea that gun owners are extremely responsible and competent individuals. After all, they know the technical difference between a rifle and and assault rifle, so only their opinions are valid, right? They know how

Good thing he kept his day jo-

I LOVED that she brought her handbag onstage and just plunked it down on the piano. AS ONE DOES.