Lydia Deetz

Probably there were significantly less women at the Repub debate.

What you name your kid *isn’t* between you and your partner. WHY you chose the name is.

The namers of Neveahs need to go to lleh. It’s not even spelled right.

Shout out to all my fellow Jezzies who read “inexpensive Yankee candles” and thought about how you only get Yankee candles when they're on the clearance endcap at TJ Maxx.

Religion. We have too much religion.

Listen, I’m going to stop engaging here, because I don’t feel like people are being particularly logical about this.

I suppose we will have to agree to disagree. I guess I don’t really see a baby with so many medical problems as a person who’s life wouldve been ended. Their life had never begun until the doctors intervened. It’s kinda like reverse playing God. If left to his own devices the baby would not have survived outside the

Considering how that crowd rolls, kid's gonna have to make due with prayers.

Right? Like goddamn Madeleine, maybe sit a few plays out.

This is possibly the most humorless thing I’ve read in a while. “#Adulting” is obviously a joke, meant to be taken as such. Most of the time I see it, it’s used by the person saying it to skewer themselves for being childish or lazy, not to garner praise.

baby looks a very cute accesory here

It was terrifying to have sex without protection that month. Most miserable sex of our lives. It turns out that I find “trying to have a baby” a complete libido killer. I am really glad we were buzzed when we conceived so the pressure was off and I can remember it as more fun than terrifying.

“the condom police”

We call it a War on Women precisely because assholes like you think forcing a woman to make a man wear birth control is preferable to giving her control over her own body after private consultation with her doctor.

Of course, he’s a guy who thinks we should protect our country by forcing other countries to wear our

Depends on the pigment of the shooter’s skin. They could just be mentally ill.

If anyone’s curious why Mr. Wells starts off his statement with “Every time this happens,” well, let’s just say he has a long and sordid history of this kind of behavior. Specifically, he was the guy that made so much noise over Jennifer Lawrence being “too big” for The Hunger Games, and said that readers should

Well written piece Clover.

I’ve quickly come to realize that once friends have kids they will absolutely disappear from my life. Not because I’m young-ish and childless and out partying all week long (crazy cat lady homebody) but because they are doing their absolute best to keep their shit together and while they care about me I’m no longer a

Remember kids: Black Lives Matter is a bunch of whiners who are looking for reasons to be offended. The real oppression is a lack of Christmas iconography on your coffee cups.

Two! Two desperate candidates ah ah ah!