Lydia Deetz

I went from theater to Lit and ended up working in health care. My coworkers are constantly asking me to spell things. They honestly seem to believe that it was part of my higher ed curriculum. Once in a while I get a grammar question. No one ever asks me about Faulkner.

My favorite question came from one of our NPs

It’s fucking Southerners, and it is the goddamn worst. “Pop” is annoyingly twee, but on balance, I’d much rather deal with that than fucking “Coke.” Seriously, if you are reading this and you call all soda “Coke,” you are terrible and you should feel bad about the fact that you are terrible. Never, ever trust a person

You are the worst sort of person.

Public Service Announcement: I’m going to need all you people who order bullshit coffee things like “iced half-caff” and “no caff but I want it to smell like coffee but put vanilla and chocolate in it” to STOP IMMEDIATELY. Some of us rely on coffee to make it through the day. All you recreational coffee users must

Holy shit, if this woman did not consent to this, let her rain fire and brimstone upon them until even their bones have turned to ash. I want their children’s children’s children to still be paying her, and I want these people in jail.

This. But we all know who wins the Facebook martyr-off: stay at home moms.

Oh, Miley!

They do realize that she wasn’t jailed for living out her Christian faith, right?

Ugh, I was going to comment about “nonplussed” being used incorrectly, and I went to fact check myself and found that apparently in North America we’ve corrupted the meaning so that it can also mean the exact opposite. Now I have to be one of Those People, who have pedantic views about obscure vocabulary. JK I was

I swear this show was the last of Nickelodeon's good cartoons.

This guy!

Another argument to add to those who’ve already replied: Some jobs don’t need to be paid a living wage! They’re held by teens / retirees / ex-house-spouses / college students looking for a few extra bucks!

The tragedy of abortion

jesus god literally FUCK the dollar-sign key.

It’s always shocking to me the kind of risks women will take to bear children. It’s like, “yes this is going to suck and be painful, and on top of that I might die/ lose organs/ etc but it is worth it to me to do it anyway”. Part of me feels like this is incredibly selfless, and I don’t think I could ever be so

U.S. gun policy is absolutely despicable. I’m resigned to the likelihood that we won’t make significant progress in my lifetime, because if something as incomprehensibly horrific as the Newtown shooting couldn’t spur significant changes in gun laws, then nothing ever will. Incidents like this morning’s are an everyday

I’m losing hope that we can change the gun culture bullshit. I really am. I mean, Sandy Hook didn’t change anything. SANDY. HOOK.

These people weren’t really expecting an deadly assault first thing in morning while chatting about tourism on live television. I guess the gun nuts live their lives in anticipation of such mayhem each and every day. I don’t really want to live like that.