Lydia Deetz

It’s almost like women are humans who generally know what’s best for them and their lives.

Baby Harrison Ford can GET IT.

“If an embryo is “not a person, what is it? Because if you left it alone, that’s the only thing it can become,” he said. “It can’t develop into a pony!”

Dear Justice Ginsburg, Thank YOU for your artistry and caring. You’ve made this great country a vastly greater place. Sincerely, Everyone

The best thing I’ve heard so far from the pro-Confederate flag bunch is last night on All Things Considered/NPR. The reporter was interviewing protesters outside the State Capital when it was announced that Gov. Haley had signed the bill and the flag was coming down, and one man stated, “next thing they’re going to do

Women’s soccer is so much more appealing to me than men’s. They play such a more honest and earnest game. No bullshit, just hard work. It’s hard to respect the men as athletes when they’re flopping like fish trying to get whistles while the women bust their asses for 90 minutes with no histrionics.

Here is a picture of him personally removing all videos from YouTube:

how.....just how.....

i want to push anti vaxxers down a slippery slope

When you give rights to the minority, you take rights away from the majority—-simple logic.

Where’s my Conservative Outrage bingo card, I gotta mark off “Mentions 9/11”!

How do I get involved in that tho

Dear People who are angry at this,

The last time God got someone pregnant, it didn’t work out so hot for the kid at the end of the day.

“I do not want any lectures”

We forget how quickly this “empowerment” movement can quickly become the vehicle where girls can shame other girls without the “tummies” to pull such a look off. This is why “Adults” are in charge of dress codes and policy on school grounds, because we understand these things. When the inmates run the prison we have

I’m grossed out they’re making this a feminist issue, which is another way to say that whoever is against crop tops at school is not a feminist and in the pocket of the patriarchy.

Can I take a minute to throw some massive side eye at the folks who tell you “There’s no perfect time to have a baby. You get ready when you get pregnant.” I’m turning 30 later this year and I’ve started hearing this in the last 6 months.

Mothers can do literally nothing that pleases the world.

I live in the South at the moment and could not agree more. I never thought I’d say that New Yorkers are more hospitable than Atlantans, but they sure as shit are.