Triple Beam Dream

There a pretty sensitive bunch which is why they all own guns and big pickup trucks with those cool lights on the top.

#MeToo will drone on forever if we continue to lend the platform to any old attention-seeker.

Torture is illegal. True. So is droning hundreds of thousands of civilians across the Middle East and North Africa and Obama had Brennan and Clapper do that.

Little OT but doesn’t this Gina girl have like 18 dogs or something? What the hell is with that? Super odd.

Fun Fact: Nearly all of US recycling is shipped to China where it is burned.

Dogs are the patrician’s choice. Cats, I... I cannot properly describe what it means to be a cat owner without offending you. Seeing as how we have just met, I choose to defer such description.

*genetic defect

Cuomo is one of those guys that you know is trustworthy just by looking at him. Then you hear him talk and it’s all confirmed: an honest man.

That felons lose the right to vote is, by far, the biggest injustice out there today. Combine that with the fact that 99% of all felons are black and you can see exactly how Trump managed to get elected.

Every day is now a waking nightmare for me and has been since Trump won the election. I didn’t even want Hillary, but I plugged my nose, closed my eyes, said a few prayers and tried to stop this by voting for the lesser evil. That she lost isn’t terribly surprising: she was a horrible candidate and a horrible person.

Did she though? Seems like she just stole everything from Michelle without even thinking about it, including that hat outfit.

I don’t care what anyone says, Michelle is prettier than Melania.

Unlike wonderful dogs who wag their tails out of genuine happiness, cats wag their tails due to a specific genetic: neurotic, hateful cynicism.

Your comment is why some speech should not be legal.

Good for they. Brave actions from a strong them.


Why didn’t the Muslim kid fight back? I thought they were really good fighters. Not like Thai level or anything but solid enough. Maybe all those ISIS videos are just a lot of hype? I thought Muslims were tough.

I have been making and eating smores since I was eight years old and they are one of my favorite snacks. I eat them every summer. I like smores as a flavor too. I recently made my gf a smores cake for her birthday. My friends talk about how much I like smores. It’s a topic of discussion among my family. When I was 12

Please stop. Now people are replying to me just to stress me out. There is no apostrophe and even though some small minority of people use an apostrophe that doesn’t make it grammatically correct or even the norm.

Comedy should not be offensive nor should it promote anti-social ideas like gun violence. When comedy goes too far it becomes hate speech.