me too!
me too!
can i just state how much i love cheyenne jackson?
what i wonder is… why hasn't lito told hernando and dani that he's a sensate yet? they seem to trust each other so much at this point. i don't get that.
"it's not porn, it's HBO." LOL! thank you for introducing me to that clip!
me too. i often tear up, but i actually cried at the look on his face after he proclaimed "i am a gay man! why was that so hard to say?!" and was reaffirmed with so much love and adoration from the crowd. i wish every gay teen considering suicide could watch that clip.
right? that guy's not from Anonymous, he's from f-society!
hey, that's hollywood. and the Ws are so progressive, it doesn't matter if you're male or female, gay or straight, cis or trans, black, brown or white… as long as you're extremely attractive by our cultural standards! end discrimination now! (against hot people).
dude, the castro would be SOLD OUT in a scenario like this. lines around the block.
so non clustered sensates have to make eye contact while they are also both not on blockers? still trying to get down the specifics.
what about rodrigo? oh how i heart rodrigo.
i was wondering this… how does whispers not know ALL of the cluster since he's connected to will? i don't think i fully get how this all works yet.
i know. that kinda annoyed me. i'm like c'mon, not even ONE of them can be single?
plus lito's dramatics truly crack me up. it provides some much needed lightness and humor when the show is starting to darken my soul.
that was the strangest dr. seuss line i've ever read.
i think what confused me was i confused the flashback of the fight scene with the sex scene. perhaps they became intertwined in my mind while i was under the spell of detective hottie.
ok, i'm so confused about this. perhaps he is played by a different actor (like capheus in S2) but then when they fight in the rain they flashback to the locker room sex. why? if it's only sun flashing back, is it because he reminds her of her locker room tryst? and if det. mun is not locker room warrior, then…
sometimes one's fetishes lead to their socially liberal sensibilities.
the pregnant pause is used most perfectly, in my mind… by alec baldwin/jack donaghy. his timing is superb,
he WAS the guy she slept with.
i'm pretty sure that's the same actor. they flashback during the rain fight to the fight at the tournament.