
i'm actually enjoying this new season, although i had to struggle a little at the beginning to let my 1990 self let the old TP go.

i wonder if "invitation to love" is still running in the TP-verse.

i totally agree, and although i miss the original's (sometimes) upbeat quirkiness, i am totally willing to let that go and let this be the brilliance that it is.

we used to call these things "red herrings" ;) or it could totally mean something.

i wonder why we've never seen the white lodge… or if we will. is the white horse from the white lodge?

it's called glastonbury grove, and yes that is the portal. but maybe the GN is another one…?

again i wonder… does the land of the dead still exist now, since they nuked it? i mean, you can't get rid of the land of the dead, so i'm assuming the nuking was more a psychological thing in kevin's head…? this is the only mystery i wish they had explained, but i'll just let it be ;)

i was actually glad to get that question answered. the place kevin went was the land of the dead, which i suspected since there were no "departed" there. the people who departed did indeed go to another dimension, they did not just die. the way that nora went through makes it seems most likely the departure was

game of thrones is the same. the book, anyhow.

we also hadn't had a black president yet, which is fairly significant.

i dont think he WAS hung in the book.

they are both amazing. i want hugh laurie back in every show again. damn, he's good. i would literally watch anything he was in.

so just to be clear, this "other place" that kevin goes to is where DEAD people are, but not Departed people… thus far. correct? have we seen any departed people in the other place?

that was a great pun, i'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned before. "that length." tee hee.

was anyone else thinking, at the beginning, when kevin was given his mission to kill the president, that the president might be, like, a crazy narcissistic guy with no impulse control. i half wanted to see that… but i like that this show wouldn't go there. they are doing their own thing and don't pander like that.

"The Leftovers: I have no idea what's going on."

hey, man, all you need is love.

i thought the boss ("god") WAS david burton, the guy talking in his ear. also, kevin met him (and plenty of other dead people, like neil) that he'd never met in real life while he was in the "other" place, so i'm not sure if it's as simple as it just being his subconscious. to be fair, we don't know if that's

i mean, kevin didn't see EVERYONE there. laurie could have been there.

yes, and i think that was purposeful.