My tablet is bad and I can't read all the comments but… what explosion? Did they think the fire was as explosion or was there also a real explosion???
My tablet is bad and I can't read all the comments but… what explosion? Did they think the fire was as explosion or was there also a real explosion???
`An 8 year old Ben Linus just gave me a ham sandwich.`
Well if we found the cure for cancer, overpopulation would grow to be so problematic it could actually endanger our resources. No more social security or medicare. People would live till 120 and their families would go bankrupt taking care of ther myriad other medical complications. This logic, however, doesnt apply…
They need it for gargamel.
so, here's yet another weird internet thing: http://nothingsgonnastopmen…
lol, wu-tang came out on cd! it's not THAT old!
my sister and i used to link arms and do the dance of joy and dissolve into laughter. ah, the 80s. imagine the reviews that show would get today.
or hold it in your lungs long enough that when you blow out, nothing comes out. not that i'd ever vape on a plane!
i am now tempted to rank the 7 levels of hotels, dante style.
maybe the commenter just really doesn't like spies.
that's what i thought too! it reminded me of that torrented GOT episode where, at the very end, something, um, bad happens to jaime, and right when it's about to happen the punk rock sounding song comes on and all us supernerds watching it who had been waiting to see that scene for over a decade yelled WHAT THE FUCK!…
yeah i didn't get that. "john, i read your book." didn't matt write it?
yes, david burton. he was on the background of the news coming back to life, coming out of a cave and saying he had just been in a hotel. i think he was bridge guy and i hope we see him more!
they are going to the land down under! i would love that!
The Leftovers: "So what do I know."
i think she said "does the name kevin mean anything to you?"
i thought it was just because mercury's in retrograde.
ok, i'm glad someone else is reaching for a connection. although apparently they just came up with the perfect strangers idea in the writers room.
no, i know. i meant to be clearer when i wrote that. but like maybe saying something like "in the southeastern united states" or even just "in the USA" - would limit the kevin-related confusion. also, i have no idea how michael and/or matt are posting it (if they are), but even if it's not obvious they are…