
patti (well, ann dowd) was just so great. i've never wanted to punch an actor in the face that bad while simultaneously thinking "goddamn this is a fantastic actor!" and i loved when she was just her true self at the very end of the well sequence. not hostile, not fake, not a little girl… she was just patti. damn,

The Leftovers: "What the hell did I just watch?"

i got chocolatey shatner too! i wonder what algorithm they use (if any)?

dude, it's not like, in the constitution that we shall have the right to read perfectly written reviews on AV club. i'm sure there are many other review sites you can try out. teh interweb is a big place!

yeah, ya think?!

no, i think he successfully killed ghost patty. i'm expecting that ghost evie will be coming up soon, though…

i don't know, but that's kind of awesome that that's your town! is that a real playground there? did it look to you like they actually filmed there?

as a frequent guest at hotels, that was not realistic. sure the smoke detector wouldn't go off, but when housekeeping comes the next day after you check out and the room smells like smoke, uh DUH. she could have at least cracked a window, or blown the smoke into the bathroom exhaust fan.

oh boo, burst my bubble why don't you! :p maybe the modern aussie women is like the great great granddaughter of the 1844 believer woman though….

no, i just rewatched and he doesn't wave to them. it reminded me of the waves he and john gave to each other in the beginning of S2 though. just like the bible, cobbling bits and pieces of different stories together!

and isn't that thunderbolt concept taken from greek mythology?

i think she's there to provide a major hurdle for chuck… the conflict of interest. that seems to be her narrative purpose. as for why she stays, they have hinted many times at them knowing each other a long time, her being there for him during (before/after?) 911, they seem like best friends, brother and sister. i

yeah, but axe's shady guy, old what's his name, can hack into air-gapped laptops. i'm SURE axe has someone with the capabilities to get into that laptop.

honestly, i thought the pizza guy would have gone cold on axe after he found out about the 911 shit. but there were scenes after that all came out where he doesn't seem to have a problem with axe at all. a NYC pizza guy? that made no sense. he would have been PISSED. they should have at least had a scene explaing

"so, i get that books are a trigger for you…" that was hilarious.

you are clearly not watching the leftovers.

they've only had like 10 years to start trying out a new pronoun in 10,000 years of recorded human history, maybe give them a few more years ;) (and by them, i mean the gender-neutral community!)

i believe cuckold just means "a man whose wife is unfaithful" - apparently derived from the cuckoo bird who deposits its eggs into another birds' nests. which is a weird thing to do.

you could use it as a singular pronoun, i think… like "so then this waiter comes up to me, and i tell them i wanted the dressing on the side. then, you know what they do? they go and bring me another salad with different dressing on it!"

omg he IS pastor tim! ok, let's see how that changes how i view the americans character now…