
"Look, you can have your crazy intense post-apocalypse gore fest, or you can have your somber, introspective narrative about the cost of survival in a merciless world, but you can’t really have both at the same time." - really? that's what i've *always* felt the show was. sometimes i'd just fast-forward through the

in the comics, negan kills glenn with his bat. so they were just following the already written story, and adding abraham in to trick us by killing him first. the show didn't invent this.

so i guess you don't like game of thrones then ;)

hell, i can't even watch the election coverage (something that i did with my family every 4 years growing up, it was such a sweet tradition) with my 5 year old daughter now because no one can make it through 5 mins of a speech or on-air conversation without saying "rapists" or "sexual assault" or "they're killing each

i totally get what you mean. like, sometimes i still hear young men being like "you're such a fag" to each other and i'm like "…really guys?" and they're all "oh you know what we mean." but they are missing the point, they are contributing to hate and disenfranchisement, and that is not cool.

so, that E 82nd ave address is in the upper east side - a place only top execs and other millionaires can afford now. could the phone be at *price's* house? or the knowles residence? at first i thought it was cisco's place but no way could he afford to live up there.

maybe they are their robot doppelgangers from the berenstein universe ;)

ok, thank you, i thought i was just missing obvious things because i know nothing about finance or international relations.

FYI - in the books, there is no time travel in ASOIAF… but there is a WHOLE lot of internal remembering of robert's rebellion 15 years ago (which is how most of us got R+L=J from the first book, from ned's dream which is written out). the showrunners didn't want to do time travel, and in a way, bran isn't really

great comment.

what faraday cage scene in 1x08?

there was a fish in the percolator. poor fish.

i wonder how much amazon is paying for all that alexa?

that's what i thought too.

if you're right, then you win the internet!

so, from the news report, i guess we are supposed to glean that they DID waive it, thus the report on how evil corp is now issuing loans?

i know! they never explained the shootout, the motivation, the repercussions. i never thought i'd say this, but i need more exposition, please. just about the govt money stuff. i'm good with elliot's mental illness and this new lynchian thing. but please, more exposition to explain what the hell price and

to be fair, this particular unconstitutional thing does not benefit the govt, it actually takes power away from them (the treasury) and places it exclusively in the private sector. without it actually helping the govt, right? unlike in reality, i didn't see how the US govt was going to get any perks from serving

i'm no constitutional scholar but i imagine they did. however, perhaps the direness of the global economic situation has convinced the US govt to illegally waive that particular constitutional article in order to (try to) save the world's economy? again, i don't get it.