but it also gave us the awesomest music.
but it also gave us the awesomest music.
i'm thankful that i still don't know who he is. i've heard references to him only, mostly in 30 rock.
yes, but lesbians often watch male porn and vice versa… there's an explanation for that somewhere but i'm too lazy to look for it.
yeah, i think that was just a time-establishing shot.
made HER let HER guard down… /nitpicking
yep. they're both queer. and maybe that makes whiterose want to spare her? or maybe she doesn't care… but i thought their mutual realizations (whiterose realizing dom was a lesbian as dom was realizing The Minister/whiterose was trans) made for an even more touching and intimate connection between them in that…
i bingewatched oz for about 4 seasons and then had to take a break… i just felt awful in my soul and needed to look at some rainbow unicorn shit. almost as bad as bingewatching the leftovers (which i love, and lindelof haters can step!)
are you both serious? is this a well known walmart clock that is also sold in rothenburg?
well, he did have like 15 years on SVU.
well, let's not think comparing something to death is inherently "bad." isn't the term in french for "orgasm" translated as "the little death" because you are closest to divinity at that moment?
does elliot dream of electric sheep?
wow. so i guess she used to be a model?
i was born in 1975 and remember reading interview with THE vampire when i was 10 or 11… i've seen several people post that they remember that it was interview with A vampire, but i've always been a great memorizer, could read at a 12th grade level in 4th grade, am OCD for typos, and i PROMISE you, it was always THE…
but… if we're in different universes, how is it that we are all discussing this on the same internet page?
that whole berenstain theory is some LOST ass-shit, i tell ya what. *i* remember it was berenstain because my mom always used to correct me ;) plus, i always thought "well, SOMEONE screwed up some poor jewish family's name at ellis island. like we haven't suffered enough?!" *goes and sits in a corner in the dark*
the best thing about keeping the show in the summer of 2015 timeline: did anyone else catch bernie campaigning in there, on trenton's family's tv? we saw clinton talking, and then like 1 sec of bernie speaking to a YUGE crowd. ah, the bern. made me sad but also nostalgic (already) in a good way.
what's most sad is that her initial ambition seemed to be based on getting justice for her mother and to HELP her father who is "drowning in debt." and now she's dishonoring her mother's memory by working with these fuckers, and her dad thinks she's a piece of crap :(
didn't he hack the FBI? or at least get them in there?
dude, have you seen the walking dead? learn how to use a sword and how to grow food… screw plumbing!