she's like the corporate walter white of this show.
she's like the corporate walter white of this show.
i know, we hear enough of that shit in our OWN heads, thankyouverymuch.
oy. that guy…
at least he didn't turn off the TV to bang her while jfk was being assassinated.
i just turned 40, so same for me. i actually gasped when ALF showed up… it's been a LONG time since i've seen him! why wasn't he eating a cat?
sheesh. that was a little harsh. you're right, i was thinking of another girl from masters of sex. i looked it up and emily kinney was indeed in 4 episodes of masters of sex. she was in the walking dead for 4 years so i guess that data overwhelmed the other data in my mind. sometimes it's hard to keep track of…
here a year late, just catching up. incredible show.
THANK YOU! and i am a total supporter of LGBT rights and as liberal as they come, i live in san francisco, but… cmon people! make ANOTHER gay character. leave elsa alone! fing f!
i don't think that was wu, waiting for junia. i think it was another chinese man, one of wu's henchmen/pimps.
the brain stuff was so great. and the greatest gem of all was this:
i dont believe the girl in henry's porn was the girl from masters of sex, that was beth from the walking dead.
that was one of the best jewish jokes i've ever heard.
i can't get over my annoyance about this "make elsa gay" thing. i read this in another article: "The “Let It Go” theme song speaks about the marginalized people who hide some areas of their lives" and says this is a nod to the LGBT community.
ok first of all, elsa's not a princess, she's a QUEEN!
i think she paid for that thing for bertie from her $100-a-pop golden lotus sidejob.
yes. cocaine AND heroin withdrawal at the same time: torture. weaning people off seems to be a more humane way of doing it… but then gallinger didn't know that, and also probably wouldn't have cared, as long as he didn't have to work under the colored man no more! racist shit.
not sure if anyone has addressed this yet, but WHY ISNT EVERYONE SMOKING CIGARETTES? they were certainly around by then, and doctors/nurses smoke (even now) at disproportionately higher levels than other professions. ironic, i know. but why no cigarettes? it's the only part of this show that seems unauthentic to…
oh you mean the epidode CALLED crutchfield. ok nm.
didn't he kill that girl at the knick, with lucy helping him, in th midst of his paranoid cocaine psychosis? not at crutchfield.