Lyanna of the Bowery

I'm FURIOUS that Jess & John Cho aren't a thing.

I went right ahead and made my husband feel stupid proclaiming, "Of COURSE the collapse was supposed to be surrealism, the whole scene was totally bizarre, and they were obviously going for something symbolic". Then we watched the "Inside the Episode", and they said it was meant to be the actual real life collapse.

It's physically impossible to not yell out the "wham bam thank you ma'am" while listening to this song. Science.

The second mouse running by.

This one really broke my heart.

The Initiative was Revenge's B613.

Book reader here, too, and I'm loving this season. It's fun to be surprised! And the larger changes they've made have all been in service to the storytelling, I don't care what any purist says. For instance (no real spoiler here), Jaime basically does nothing in Riverrun, so I'm psyched that he's in Dorne where

And if there's an option to make backstory visual without using conventional flashbacks, I feel like they'd do that, rather than more monologues.

I've always sort of thought that Bran's magic tree adventures where he can see into the past would out R+L=J. Maybe Ned taking the baby to the weirwoods to pray over his decision.

Yeah… I just… like him so much more than Jorah.

It could be a way to get her married to Hizdahr maybe? Losing her best advisors, and desperate to keep peace?

I was thrilled by the R+L=J exposition, I thought it was handled really adeptly. It might seem heavy-handed as an "expert", but I don't think the newbies (or at least the ones who've avoided the internet) will see it that way. I remember watching the first couple of seasons before reading the books, and I can say that

See, I just haven't watched Untucked at all this season, and I have a totally different impression of her. I kind of want to watch and see what I'm missing… but then again, the optimist in me doesn't want to start hating anyone.

Videology is actually a really great spot, and I've never found it douchey or pretentious like some people are saying. It used to be a video store (a great one), and smartly transformed into a bar/video store/screening room as that industry was collapsing. I don't go to the live screenings of shows, but I've been to

I don't really mind young Eddie, because everyone is a garbage person at that age. Middle school is a hellscape. In that way, it's pretty realistic. No one wants to watch someone posture for an entire series, though, so this episode was a nice hint toward a more developed character.

I remember in the first episode, I think Abby or someone tells Quinn how Olivia is tough as nails and never cries. And then she goes on to cry EVERYDAY FOREVER

Or maybe some of that missing episode got mashed into this one. "Perestroika" did seem to cover about two episodes worth of plot development.

I agree, there seemed to be a lot of little things missing, and the only explanation is that time is running out… ::sniff:: This episode smacked of being filmed post-cancellation, or at least going into the editing room after the news broke. In addition to the fight being resolved at lightning speed, and Eliza's

This girl was surprisingly respectful of his privacy/penis size/other details, but I do remember her saying that he jumped up and down on her bed for a while and told her some jokes. I dunno, it totally made me like Jimmy more than I already did.

I've seen Taran Killam a few times out and about recently. And a friend of mine in college banged Jimmy Fallon after meeting him at a bar in the East Village. He came back to her dorm room and everything, in the early 2000s that guy was down for whatever.