Lyanna of the Bowery

I feel like "Wild World" could be seen as a goodbye/wish-you-the-best kind of song for Julia, to show us that their relationship is over. But the lyrics are about someone naive, and I don't think Henry sees Julia like that. It fits a lot better with the romantic teacher-student relationship he has with Eliza. If he

Ooh yeah that has a very similar feel! I have to say, I really love the theme of the "sad party girl admitting to numbing out her pain" that has been appearing in pop music recently. It's like the Kesha or Miley Cyrus "party til we die young" kinda thing of a couple years ago taken to its natural conclusion.

There was some really inspired music supervising (amongst other things, like great writing in the Henry/Eliza confrontation scene) going on this week. The entire "Chandelier" bit was so well done. YOU GUYS I CRIED AT A SHOW CALLED SELFIE

My little sister used to watch some Saturday morning short that was literally just people destroying a nice looking room. I have palpitations just thinking about it.

I thought the same thing! Like I was watching him get oiled up in slo-mo, thinking "Mindy's about to get DARK"

God, I loved this episode. I was squealing internally throughout the ending. I guess we only have three episodes left? They're getting better every week and my soul is simultaneously dying.
My only complaint was that I felt like the Wren bit was really hammered in… not as deft a subplot as the author makes it sound.

My husband and I watch Scrooged or Die Hard most years, but my sister and I have much more specific traditions. On Christmas Eve, we watch Nightmare Before Christmas, Elf, and A Christmas Story while decorating gingerbread cookies and wrapping gifts. After dinner, we put on the piece de résistance, Muppet Family