
I’m so sad about Warren’s rapid decline.  I really love her message, her passion, and her policy wonkiness.  I’m also more irritated than usual about the media frenzy feeding into this idea that somehow Iowa and New Hampshire, two very small, fairly conservative, and white states get to set the entire narrative for

I thought the yellow stocking cap was putting more into it, IMO.

The “youth” in the green top is very...

“....but according to a person familiar with Trump’s thinking...”

I live in the DC burbs. I have an overwhelming urge to know Lindsey Graham’s whereabouts so I can cause a motherfucking scene with his ass.

The republican Senate majority, that represents tens of millions less voters than the true Democratic Majority that won the House and Electoral College, are accomplices in Trump’s criminal rampage. If we are able to get the Presidency back in November, we are going to have to vote in unprecedented numbers to overcome

Yes, compare your father to OJ Simpson.

But with the right candidate, they’ll vote Democrat!

He not only fired Vindman, but his brother as well. So, thanks republicans.


+1 kiss from a rose

The phrase “my truth” needs to be fucking banished to the fires of hell.

Seal’s her babydaddy, so she’s black by injection.

No one gets shot if this guy is transferred from jail to ICE custody.


“Yong Yow pointed the finger at NYPD, saying their refusal to hold Avendano-Hernandez past his release date “forced ICE officers to locate him on the streets of New York rather than in the safe confines of a jail.”

Why the fuck are these maniacs armed in the first place? That psychopath needs to be arrested and charged with attempted murder and ICE needs to be disbanded.

I’m not at war with black men; I love them very much. I’m at war with misogynists. If you think the two are automatically synonymous, that’s on you, but that’s not a belief I hold, nor is it a generalization I’ll accept having projected upon me.

This shit outta hand. 

I think there’s a sizeable number of older white folks who like their candidates to be “interesting” (young, gay), but not too interesting (loudly gay, annoyingly progressive, posessed of a visible soul). Pete appeals to these folks because he represents the sort of bland liberalism that won’t rock the boat, or do