Perhaps not heroic but certainly gutsy. What I like is his speech about making this decision based on his faith. This is an issue that can split the republican vote. Mormon folk are not voting for Trump for sure now.
Perhaps not heroic but certainly gutsy. What I like is his speech about making this decision based on his faith. This is an issue that can split the republican vote. Mormon folk are not voting for Trump for sure now.
Yes yes thank you. I really don’t understand the point of articles like this. We know Mitt Romney is a conservative Republican who literally is everything the opposite of a socially progressive liberal. Of course he votes and voted for garbage legislation and has garbage ideas (we know! he ran for president already!).
I’m not inclined to praise Romney, but I’d rather focus on the craven idiocy of people like Susan Collins, who graced us with the laughable horseshit that she felt comfortable voting to acquit Trump because she felt he had learned his lesson, as if he hadn’t spent the entire preceding 4+ months claiming the call was…
Gemini vegetarian!
Elle Woods would never wear real fur.
On the other hand, a Black sea captain endlessly hunting a White whale makes an excellent metaphor for American institutional racism.
I’m fucking baffled lol. I never thought I’d see the day where White people would literally “Soul Man” a bunch of old ass White novels instead of promote books by Black authors. 2020 is wild.
By riling up Trump’s base, she managed to take Trump’s SOTU address and get conservative media outlets focusing on her instead.
I’m drunk and one could consider this a shitpost, but to all the people who have been heartily denying the dirtbag leftist online activity in recent G/O posts I merely direct you toward Ilhan Omar’s twitter feed where she is being hounded en masse for daring to give Pelosi an ounce of credit for her unprecedented SOTU…
i have never in my life wanted more to reach through my computer scream and grab a person by the throat and choke the life out of him. HOw dare he. How fucking dare he. He’s a fucking traitor and a rapist and a criminal and he’s up there giving fucking rush fucking limbaugh a god damned medal like it’s a special…
This is easily my favorite rant of the day.
*insert never ending eye roll gif*
I mean, they may never return to normal. I might require surgery.
In a manner that can only be described as Obama-lite, Buttigieg infused enough perfectly timed smiles and soaring rhetoric to convince the casual viewer that his policy platform wasn’t simply a bland, moderate agenda in a youthful package.
He has certainly recruited as many Obama 08 campaign alumni as possible, and it…
Three or four months ago, I couldn’t have told you, between Biden and Buttigieg, who I wanted least. Now, it is clear. If it comes down to Biden and Buttigieg, I would donate to Biden, phone bank for Biden, plaster my car with Biden bumper stickers, anything to prevent Buttigieg from being the nominee. He is such a…
I mean this is just insane. I don’t really follow football anymore, but I know whenever a team has a great offense or defense and makes runs in the playoffs, that coordinator is pretty much flooded with head coaching offers... when it’s a white dude.
Forty-one (about 25%) of my eighth grade students this year are refugees or the children of refugees from the Middle East*. They are not a burden but valued members of our community who would likely be dead if not for the hospitality we once practiced.
These sick minded failures that come here day after day to call names, post utter bullshit and try their illiterate best to feel superior want so badly to be relevant. Damn...we already know that the “master’s” tools will never dismantle the “master’s” house. But *sigh*, a tool gonna tool.
Yeah, the anatomy of that whole thing is suspect.
Sorry, I’ll finish the column later. I’m still busy trying to figure out how snakes and fish “take a knee...”