
I thought you were supposed to grab just the top half of its snout and shake it to see if it wants to bite you or not?

“Hey do you have a minute to talk about-“

Professional dog person here: the best way to meet a dog is NOT by reaching over their head - lots of dogs are headshy. Instead, gain the owner’s permission, approach the dog sideways instead of head on, let the dog approach you, offer your hand palm up to sniff, and then scratch under the chin/neck/chest before

Most dogs hate having their snouts grabbed. I would lose my shit is someone did this to my dog. Wtf. 

I’m yelling.

God, he’s aggressively stupid. Aggressively.

So perhaps it’s the wake-and-bake, but I literally have no clue why he’s even using this? Why is he using Billy’s mind-blowing fabulousness to describe “me” when he’s talking about the kids of politicians (not that his pos father is really a politician)? Is it about the hat?

That is the thing about a health screening. Everyone it catches does not necessarily have the disease in question. But it’s one of those civil society things. Society depends on the innate decency of humans to tell the truth, then those honest humans suffer personal inconvenience for the greater good. Without that?

In her case, though, she was completely asymptomatic and the whole situation was overblown and sensationalized – Ebola doesn’t spread through saliva if the person isn’t actually sick (and they have to be very sick for there to be a significant viral load). The quarantine she was initially subjected to was even

Same, and same here. Only an entitled asshole to do something like this.

As someone who is immunocompromised, may I just say: I hope she gets an infected ingrown taint hair that doesn’t heal right for at least a month. 

All those unfortunate richies... it’s like Prospero’s masque all over again. They couldn’t even hide from the plague in their fancy French restaurant.

Oh, they know what they did.

Rise above brother, rise above.

Ok. So, I was married to a very smart malignant narcissist for over 20 years, so I am well versed in the finer points of circular thinking, straw man arguments and false equivalencies. BUT. This? I can usually sort of see the tortured mental path a psycho took to get to their crazy argument. But with the argument that

But...but....but then shouldn’t it work the same way? If you believe in allowing parents to let their kids go to “nontraditional public schools” (??), shouldn’t you give women the right to abortion?

Me after reading these quotes

I wouldn’t rule out foul play.

The saddest part of Perdita’s listing isn’t mentioned in the post above, so here’s the last sentence: