
Love it when someone takes a stab at the industries obsession with sadvertising.

I can't be the only person baffled at the amount of money being thrown at VR projects when there still isn't a single commercially successful product out there. There's no proven track record that a VR headset will sell well to the mainstream. Keep in mind that the reason the 2DS exists is largely because parents

I'm sure they had a He-Man but they wanted the cooler figures on display.

Well yeah, like logic has anything to do with my brain.

Heh, I assumed Gabriele was a girls name.

Man, if a guy went around the world asking if he could take pics of people's kids with their toys in their bedrooms he'd be on all sorts of watch lists now. Cool set of photos though.

These kids know what's cool.

The Game Grump animated movie if gonna rock! Can't wait for the songs Starbomb provide it with!

Didn't Konami already do this for us a few weeks ago?

Now playing

Here's some help for those stuck with how to draw the first stage.

Never heard of this con. Friend of mine was at a Horror convention this weekend and got his pic taken with Michael Berryman. I think a lot of people went to that one. Oh well, London Film & Comic Con in July is the big one.

The coat hook of London is worthy.

I'm liking him so far. So dashing.

I recently discovered that one of my let's play videos isn't viewable in Germany or Antarctica. No idea why.

It's been much better so far. None of those slow and boring set up missions before the assassinations. Everything is a story mission pretty much. There's side quest stuff like races and whatnot but they don't seem to be everywhere. The guy playing Ezio has some charm to him to. Almost like an Italian Flynn Rider.

Oh Gawd those flags. I eventually only ever picked them up if they happened to be on the path I was following. I like that the collectables in the second game either have some tie to the story or the world. Context is fun. I'm sure the flags had a reason too but there was no benefit of effect from collecting them.

It can't get worse than the final boss of the first game being a wall you have to look at. Can it?

I've only recently decided to give these games a second stab (pardon the pun). The first game bored me to tears when I played it years ago. Tried it again recently and had the same effect. Finished it though. Started playing the 2nd game yesterday and Jesus it is a much better experience. the script has actual charm

Ugh, this again. Yup, releasing shoddy games is totally as bad as trying to sell our data to anyone who cares, exploiting the poor and other such nasty things. No doubt EA will win again though.

Really hope they do a HD version of FF12 at some point. Maybe package it with a HD version of FF:Tactics. FF12 doesn't get anywhere near the amount of love it deserves.