
I would just snort and laugh at the idea but, well, I did that with the Lego Movie and that turned out to be amazing. So... bring it on.

I would love to have these games but no services like PSN offer them in the UK. And now it's on iOS? Why did I choose to get a Windows Phone? ugh.

Now playing

Do I really have to be the one to post the obvious?

It's just little things like when a game not having a million resolution options is branded as unforgivable. Most people wouldn't notice the change between the majority of resolutions. Opinions wise he's usually real solid. I subscribe to and watch most of his videos. I guess I'm just more forgiving about what

I'm on PC too. Play most of my games on PC.

I'm pretty sure I'll never stop finding it funny.

I like all that stuff but sometimes he'll complain about the tiniest little function being missing and acts as if every game has to be 120fps at eye bleeding resolutions. It depends on the game though.

Accurate depiction of TotalBiscuit. I like the guys but he is such a PC elitist.

This is my personal favourite penis drawing ever.

Looks Japanese.

Sweet. Quite wanted to try this. Will likely be getting. Don't tend to buy much on 3DS these days. Rarely feel like playing handhelds now for some reason.

Should be a follow up where you go take out the other at the Albert Hall.

Sweet. I swear I watched a video and he had 2.

I was disappointed that he had more than one ball.

Just checked and it now has Deus Ex Human Revolution, Magika Wizard Wars and Superfrog HD attached to it.

One of my recommended tags was "I Didn't Ask For This" Apparently there's not enough games with that tag yet though. Was still recommended to me.

Heh, that's the phrase I was going to go with originally but decided to tone it down a little.

King are a bunch of twat bags.

Until one day you make a vaguely off colour joke on facebook and suddenly you're being arrested.

Love Campster's Errant Signal videos. He along with Satchbags and Anita Sarkeesian are making some of the best intelligent studies of videogames on the net. I like that Satchbags does the occasional video that's all about his nostalgia for a game coupled with his adult understanding of design, such as with his Sonic &