I did clearly post it as a joke.
I did clearly post it as a joke.
Yeah, no PC gamer has ever gotten angry.
I usually compare let's players and people like Boogie to DJs. And I mean real DJs, not the sort that just mix two songs together in a club. I mean like talk radio guys. They entertain with their personality and the games they discuss are the scenery around which they perform. like how a radio DJ will discuss music or…
They're just doing this to cash in on Mighty No.9.
I am kidding BTW.
Mine was a kind of look at Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels. I dunno if I'd call it a review though. it was more just me talking about it's history and how much i suck at the game. In the end I had the Mario theme playing in the background as I talked, that's what hit me. I didn't dispute it though cos the video…
The Address the Sess last night was great for this, although you may not like TotalBiscuit being on there. On the plus side Fork Parker was on it too. Well, the guy that pretends to be him outside of Twitter anyway.
I was up at 1:30AM (UK Time) watching that last night. Didn't know Sessler had that show. I love that he wasn't just talking to the creators and publishers but that he got a couple of regular Youtubers who certainly aren't making a living off of their content involved. They had a chance to basically show that they…
The new TotalBiscuit video about this is well worth a listen. As was the Address the Sess done last night.
I think they posted a video before but yeah, he's been around and quite popular for years.
There's an Ashens film man. Watch it. it's actually quite enjoyable.
Well, he's posted 3 videos. That's like double his content last year.
Danny is awesome. Warmed up to him right away on Game Grumps. Ross took a while cos, well, goddammit Ross.
Ignoring the loss of JonTron from Game Grumps, and the subsequent return of JonTron to his own channel is just rude. Maybe.
At the end? That's PewDiePie I think.
Lame. At least i got the Beta sign up badge thing.
NSA Ninja'd my loot.
I swear, with Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous and now this, next year is gonna have some pretty interesting space exploration games to enjoy. Kinda weird that it's taken this long for Elite clones to become a trend. Looking forward to this No Man's Sky quite a lot.
I feel like this is what Yasujiro Ozu wanted to guide Japanese cinema towards. Classical Japanese cinema lives on.
I like how Cranky Kong's key skill is being Scrooge McDuck. So innovative!
Once you've played it for about an hour you'll start to realise how impractical just playing the game is. Any damage your heroes take require you let them sit out for a while to regain their health. You can use health packs to negate that but there's a good chance you'll run out before too long. Sometimes the wait is…
That's a Gameboy one for sure. Bottom edge isn't curved like the Game Gear ones and it has the grooves on the sides.