Heh, I've got a ZTE Tania. Pretty much the budget version of a Windows Phone.
Heh, I've got a ZTE Tania. Pretty much the budget version of a Windows Phone.
Guess I should give it a download then. Totally didn't realise.
Isn't xbox companion just a glorfied remote control? Cos that's what it was when I downloaded it.
You'd think they'd try to get it on Windows Phones first. Guess I'll wait. Yes, I'm the guy with a Windows Phone. Not even a Nokia either.
Wonder how many of the GameFAQs members that voted on that are old enough to vote or even in the US.
Yeah £20. I'm so used to Kickstarter being US based I assumed all the values were in dollars. I honestly saw the words "elite" and "kickstarter" and then clicked the link to pledge. This is the 4th game I've backed now, can't wait to see it.
Backed and backed and all kinds of backed. Well... $20 worth of backing... Enough to get the game. I promise if I win the lottery before the kickstarter is ended I'll pay a little more. While we're here though... Anyone remember that game called The Outsider Frontier was making. Wonder what happened to that?
Publishers need to get over that stuff. It's the community that drives a games popularity. I bet people watching Game Grumps and Continue have discovered a whole load of games they wouldn't have otherwise. Same goes for Robbaz and the odd games he sometimes plays. Showing how a game is played is how you entice more…
When they first showed off facebook and Twitter for xbox wasn't one of the functions they announced that you'd be able to take screenshots and load them straight to your profile. I can only think of one game that did that which is Minecraft. One thing future consoles should have built in is the function to record…
I don't get why devs don't copy the DC Universe model. I think they have it pretty spot on in terms of what is limited and what isn't.
I funded this. Glad it all worked out. Obsidian need more chances to prove what they can do. Always felt Alpha Protocol got shafted along the way.
I heard he does cocaine...
Dammit, meant indestructible.
Captain Scarlett? I guess she's invincible or something. Also Mysterons.
Blimey. And I was thinking around £500. They should get this listed on that Lego site that did the Minecraft set. I'm sure there's some rich guy willing to buy it.
I asked them for Deliverance (@LV54Spacemonkey). I was gonna go with Don't Look Now and Tokyo Story but wasn't sure enough people would find that funny.
Meanwhile, here's the official Lego Batcave...
Had a weird issue with Steam last night where even though I was logged in it was asking me to type in my email and password to log in. Using the client, not the website. Went on it a few hours later and everything was normal.
I'm gonna buy this despite the last game being a disappointment aren't I?
It's still 2012 on Earth for them. the ten years Amy spoke of included time spent travelling with the doctor. He always brought them back, more or less, to the right time relative to them. They mentioned in another episode that they were aging faster than their friends because they're always away.