
Well, I know where $150 of my money is going later this year.

I would love a DS version. It would have worked so well. Great little hidden gem of agame.

I do love me some Civ 5. Wish I could get DirectX11 mode working properly. Comes up with the image shifted out of place and all the video options show up blank. Ho hum. The game is excellent. I also recommend Civilization Revolution. Hell of a lot of fun that game.

It's not on the UK itunes. Must be US only. Lame. Hasn't ever been released on dvd has it?

God damn I miss that show.

Wasn't a dev. Worked in QA on BF:BC and on DLC for BF2 and 2142 briefly. I can see there's a cost to be saved but at the same time I'm not sure I'll want that DLC months before I've seen any of it. I may be tired of the game by then or only playing sporadically. I suppose this is great for hardcore players though. I

Hey I love me some Battlefields. Even worked on a couple of them, but, I do not fancy buying into this. What I've been really impressed with with BF3 was how many web features like Battlelog there are that you aren't charged for. it gives them a full advantage over CoD. Yeah there may be plenty of people willing to

How is it that apple can keep posting stuff like this on their store but hold no responsibility for it. Surely it's the equivalent of selling on stolen goods.

There's games of both of them on PSOne. They're best left there. I still have a copy of the Beast Wars game and it's a bit of a mess and feels like they were making something else and then stuck transformers in it. There's a Beast Machines fighting game that's awful and a Reboot game that was very below par. Reboot

The lack of Primus is a little disappointing but otherwise that's pretty cool. Yay for Goldfinger!

This is making me want to play Arkham City. I'll never find those things though.

Pretty much for any company really. I hate it when I get cold called and the guy on the other end, usually wanting me to answer a survey, says his name is steven in a really thick Indian accent.

This is what happens when you outsource your blurb writing to India.

That's exactly the one. They are quite cool. I should dig out my older Transformers. Most are in boxes these days.

I have that one that was a mining drill that transformed like that. It was awesome because it does a flip and lands on its feet during the transformation. Forgot what its name is now though.

If I could just have a spiritual successor to MUA2 I'd be quite content. Even if it's a bit rough around the edges.

The thing is gamers are a fickle bunch and slapping a giant screen in the middle of the controller will come across as a gimmick. Gamers forget that analogue sticks and shoulder buttons were a gimmick once. I actually like the idea of the new pad. I'd rather motion control was kept to a minimum though. it's just not

I really think they need to win back the core market. I'd say repackaging the way they've shown the Wii U so far, maybe even having a dedicated traditional controller in the box to say to the core crowd that this is a serious console. Also, really should change that name.

They have a youtube channel that they keep up to date and post stuff on there that doesn't appear on the dash too.

As long as we don't lose Andy Farrent and Dan Maher I don't mind. i've grown to enjoy their comedic stylings. I reckon this decision could have been made because they've become quite popular just doing their own shows, initially, for the Uk dash. No point the US offices spending a load of money making their own when