
The music in Plants Vs Zombies is so beautiful. Really is a lot of great game music out there these days. Kotaku should do a feature on fan tributes to game tunes.

I vote for Super Armadillo Machine 3000.

Hey I'm an Xbox fanboy and all that but even I can tell they're headed that way. There's been a few things recently where devs have complained that because of the fixed prices they don't get as much from overseas sales.

They'll do what Sony already do and make the prices inconsistent across different regions.

I would beat people at Super Puzzle Fighter with the controller backwards and behind my back.

Wonder if they'll have the video screens playing the music video? That amazed me on the PSone back then.

Read the review of this in Edge today. It sounds pretty unique. Wonder how much impact it'll have on other designers.

It's mostly contract based in the UK which is where I ws but I got paid overtime and I never took a weeks holiday while I was there so I got a nice fat 4 weeks of pay extra in my last wage. I'll admit the conditions were better when we were based at the Chertsey office as opposed to when we got move to Guildford. But

When I left EA they accidentally paid me £600. I didn't notice it though because they recalled it instantly before it was cleared into my account. That's HR workign fast to fix a mistake. BTW, EA working conditions, pretty good. Well except for that time our air con packed up. Woe was us.

heh. I did QA for them for a few months. I figure EA wanted to clear that floor up for more admin desks.

3 of my friends have had their account swiped. I've changed the password to my live account twice recently. May do it again soon. One of my friends had his pinched just before BF3 came out and he only got it back on Christmas eve. MS gave him 6 months of Gold for the delay. I suggest anyone that's had their account

Robbaz is a legend. A Viking legend at that. Subscribe to his channel for weekly lulz.

Excellent. That's all I've ever wanted. Literally been the one long song I've wanted in these games. Well that and The Decline.

does it let you play them all together seamlessly because having breaks between each part would suck. I liked how they put it together in GH6 but didn't like that you had to have loading times between each part.

I wonder if this will be in the UK version. And if so will it be an uncut version because the UK version of Twisted Metal Black was hacked to pieces.

That was amazing.

They're more fucked up. Some of the stories that have been in the papers here in the UK this week were really messed up.

It would be nice if at least one console publisher realised realised that we get less in a digital download so therefore we should pay less. It's insane how expensive some downloads are. Sony had a "promotional offer" on Black Ops for PS Plus users last month. You could get the game for about £35 down from the usual

I'm pretty sure EA get details of your account when you agree to their terms. I've not had this happen to me. It's happened to a friend of mine and the only EA game he plays is Battlefield. He's actually properly annoyed that the people who stole his account played FIFA 12 and got 2 achievements on it in the process

My mate actually knows Harry from Uni. The dude is apparently as much of a geek as his animations prove he is. You guys should grab him for an interview.