
@Noparanoiarh: I live in the UK. Don't get Netflix here. It's been released on VHS once over here and a copy is worth about £40. Never been released on dvd or blu ray.

I spent all of yesterday afternoon, along with my supervisor making sure all the move displays were big for release today. Lots of balloons, multiple facings taking space where Halo Reach had been. By the time I left work today we had sold 1 of our allocation of 24. We considered Halo Reach to have flopped a little in

This is horrible.

Once you've seen Jan Svankmajer's Alice no other versions cut it anymore. Shame it's a nightmare to get a copy of. Truely is an important film that's about a lot more than a fairy tale adventure of a 6 year old girl.

Why was MajorNelson playing Terry Bogard?

@Foxhack: They're worse on practically everything. I work at HMV and we get people coming to us sayign not even GAME and Gamestation offer as good trade in values and apparently Tescos offer below them.

Sounds like Sigur Ros at their most experimental.

Are they counting the 7 parts they've split 2112 up into as 7 separate songs? I really wanna play 2112 but not with gaps between he parts.

This is out in the UK on Friday BTW.

The system at work has a price as £199.99. Placeholder for sure but it's what they expect it to be.

@Weirdwolf: You know the US is only just getting Tales From Earthsea so now it's not even. Luckily for me I'm a Brit, I shall be reserving this when I get into work.

That music always makes em think of Lemmings for some reason.

That's Screwball Scramble. I used to love playignt hat. This is the same thing witth Mario Kart stylings. i may have to purchase one.

It does have a bit of a 90s comic book movie vibe to be fair but when i look at it I see Thor and that's whats important. I quite like the armoured sleeves. Needs more handlebar moustache + mutton chops beard though.

I've always been able to control my dreams in some way. The other night I had a weird one where I was in a sweet shop, for some reason, and my eyes felt strained like they do when I see 3D movies. So in the dream I took my glasses off and removed a pair of 3D specs at which point I remember thinking it would be funny

@AOClaus: Not really forward thinking. 3D was all the rge back then too. it died out cos it was a fad that people got tired of due to the novelty glasses and it not being that good.

@p|-|15|-|: The computers where I work have it priced at £69.99 but that could easily be a placeholder price. That is more in line with what I figured it would cost. a $200 price tag for the US would likely mean it would be at least £150 here. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a console price drop coming shortly

@drag: Didn't DICE say they wanted all BFBC2 DLC to be free?

@RyuuzakiBjorn: I always figured Bruce Campbell would be a perfect movie Sully.

I have a fondness for floppy discs dspite them making me switch around 5 of them over to play one round of Street Fighter 2 on the Amiga.