
I had a coworker at my last job who was routinely furious that, even though I was fat and she wasn’t, I still allowed myself to enjoy food while she subsisted in Lean Cuisine and fat-free yogurt. It made her SO angry, and she just couldn’t shut up about it—she’d hover around my cubicle at lunch time and make comments

I think a lot of people do equate skinniness with happiness. They work and suffer and try and obsess so that they can get to a size or weight where they think ‘happiness’ lives. And some of them manage to do that. So they think they’ve ‘earned’ their happiness. They ‘earned’ that boyfriend (who would dump them in a

You forgot her singing in Postcards From The Edge, with the fabulous Blue Rodeo.

Totally! This is definitely your area of expertise and not mine, but I think some of it is coded fetishization of racism (“the Antebellum South was a simpler time when everybody knew their place”; Blake Lively’s stupid plantation thing.) And part of it is Southerners trying to encourage non-Southerners to associate

Grace Coddington was the hero of The September Issue.

i think she’s supposed to be a manifestation of don’s internal wasteland. i also think she probably committed suicide.

I think that I speak for a lot of us in that we, your readers, were pretty excited about the change over in Jezebel staff. There has been a noticeable improvement in the angles taken on different pieces, there is less of a “mean girls” quality to a lot of the posts, and the odds of there being another Lena Dunham

This feels cruel and vaguely misogynistic. How is it not? Shouldn’t we all be allowed the privacy of our genital grooming routines, unless we decide to become public advocates for the steam cleanse?

This is really unnecessary.

Gotta disagree on Joan. Yes, she’s feeling pulled in different directions; yes, she’s resentful that her life isn’t as footloose and fancy free as is demonstrated by her fling. But she’d NEVER give Kevin away. That whole scene was pure sarcasm, her underlining to Richard exactly what came out of his mouth, no matter

Joan was being sarcastic when she said she would abandon her son. At least I took it that way.


For the longest time I thought Dress Barn was a throwaway joke from The Simpsons*.

Killed it here, Kelly. Everything I have EVER thought about LB is said here to perfection. Thanks for being a voice.

It takes a special kind of obliviousness for her to be throwing shade at Cat Marnell like that.

You know, I take serious issue with the fact we are calling this idiotic. The jokes he wrote weren’t funny, and they were definitely antisemitic and weirdly misogynistic for literally no reason. It didn’t even improve the stupid, shitty jokes. Had he been, say, a Republican staffer who was making inappropriate

It's exactly a sense of history that informs me that this is a shitty ad. I'll grant that it's not as bad as the ads for using Lysol as a douche or the one of a man spanking his wife for making him crappy coffee, but it is definitely in that milieu.

her house isn't actually all that big—it's all contouring.

Anna did a piece not too long ago about how she was being systematically harassed with death & rape threats and the cops were more or less "what's an internet?"

Will anything come of her pressing charges? Probably not.