Lux Lisbon 2

"You gonna rob a bank or something?"

Hey, at least his facial expression hasn't changed once in so many seasons from "Is this just a rogue tummy grumble or is my IBS back?

She needs a Titus Andromedon to generate nickname variations and new titles.

(Water monster blinks double eyelids uncomfortably)

In honor of my family, I like to call it "WASP Water."

David Lynch need to release a signature brand of artisanal NyQuil.

I'll be honest: even as a fan, I also agree.

Will it go into his brief tumultuous marriage to Marilyn Monroe?

It was very, very sweet.

I once woke up from a fever nap when I was sick, gasped in revelation, and told the empty room: "Armand Hammer….ARM AND HAMMER."

Because Aronofsky and Lawrence are dating and have that age gap too. (Yeah.)

But I was just inundated with the "gross but relatable isn't she?" marketing campaign of Jennifer Lawrence a few months ago, can't I get a break?

For what it's worth, I polled my parents one Thanksgiving about what the best and worst things they had to watch on my behalf and they both legitimately enjoyed Hey Arnold as a show (although their guilty pleasure was Aaaah Real Monsters).

Do as you like with the crust, it's just a slender breadstick, but ranch and marinara should have no business dirty dancing.

Chipotle Cholula?

"Want me to drink the garlic butter?" - chubby kid looking for attention (speaking from experience)

It's one of the most unpardonable food sins for me, pizza and ranch, and it's inescapable in the South. If the pizza is so bad you need the repugnant taste of ranch, make better pizza.

But it diverts traffic away from better art, so good enough for me.

Remember seeing Ever After in theaters with a friend and her mom (our art teacher) and she took time to painstakingly explain to us that the Mona Lisa (a plot McGuffin) wasn't large enough to roll up into a scroll nor important enough to steal.

I'm a big LDR fan, but is it too much to ask for a song with a goddamn pulse?