
This is quite a shock, since there has been virtually no substance at ESPN for many years now.

That part at the end is what sends me over the edge too. That woman has every right to turn the hose on that little shit.

One of the best AYSO games I ever coached was a U8 girls game where I had told the parents of both sides that they weren’t allowed to yell ANYTHING. They WERE allowed to clap and cheer. This was done due to a pattern of escalation of nasty comments from a few parents, usually at their own children, and I had reached

He throws the flag like Daria hustling for a volleyball.

It sucks, but I have to respect Reid’s decision, as this directly infringed on his authority as head coach. Throwing a flag at the wrong time for poorly thought out reasons is Reid’s job, and his alone.

I pretty much lost interest in pro football this year. I no longer set my Sundays (or Monday nights or Thursday nights) by it. It’s too much - oversaturation of games, the laughable system of fines/punishments which seem to be made up on the fly, and the hypocrisy of the owners/commissioner talking about player safety

Fozzy wozzy took a hit, Fozzy wozzy had no grit, Fozzy wozzy doesn’t have a moment to hear about your lord and savior, Jesus Christ, does he?

I was in South Carolina with a bunch of friends for a bachelor party that weekend - we went out to a bar that night and the game was on. As the Mississippi State lead grew in the first half a lot of us realized something oddwas happening, but figured it would all evaporate once UConn remembered they were UConn. Which,

Kidding aside, Jerry’s strengths and weaknesses are one and the same thing. He became the NFL Shadow Commissioner because he really is what Donald Trump pretends to be: he’s a conniving, ruthless snake with a penchant for young women, but is nevertheless able, through relentlessness, charisma and force of personality,

I went to school with the dude. He was the kind of kid who wore a suit to high school and would tell the teacher they forgot to assign homework...if that gives you a hint about the level of stick up the buttery that is going on in his life.

The plural of Utah Jazz is Utah Jazzhands.

Just wait until he finds out they rise from the asses.

Split the difference, adopt the Penix as a mascot:

I had to hit SHIFT for each capital letter because the TV keypad had no caps lock

Go to better restaurants.

My dude has played too much Tekken to be impressed by the weak-ass karate game Evra is bringing.