
Are you a little boy or an old man?

Toboni's going to make you lose your mind, isn't she?

I was highly displeased. Liv's bad luck with significant others has transferred to Major.

Frank is still worse.

I think Natureslayer has followed many of us around, if that's the case.

That's Jimmi Simpson, and he is delightful.

I think I need a hug.

They didn't. They stopped mentioning their ages after Troy and Annie turned 21 in the second and third seasons, respectively, but they made no concerted effort to age them up.

They're coarse and they get everywhere.

Womp womp.

Are you Timothy Olyphant?

I can't help but notice it, I'm afraid. I made a horrible vocational choice and pursued writing. I'm in the trenches, baby!

I…I am that monster. I do rather like the serial comma, though.

Some of us are editors or writers, however. It's possible that we could do a better job with copy editing than they do.

I don't generally put him in the same category with the others, and I don't even know about any off-screen shenanigans!

I love Clive so very much.

My father probably would have been disgusted, and my mother would certainly have been apoplectic.


I think both Stubbs and Hughes are alive, though wishful thinking it may be. They were the only two humans I really liked.