
Oh, no, I'm not arguing against the strength of the scene. I'm just not sure it was a _death_ scene.

….or was it?

Hemsworth, Pine, Evans and who is the fourth one I must know.

"The Prussians deserved it" seems to be the reasoning.

That sentence is better than any of the dialogue on this show.


It's Coral now, isn't it?

How did the restaurant even get a hold of it? Did it wash up onshore?

Kevin Can Go Suck Eggs in my Basement!

They wouldn't have to be a couple. CBS still wouldn't run it.

Latex salesman.

I would watch if it dropped James and kept Hayes and Remini.

I've never seen "elfs." Good grief, that looks terrible.

Magic user, baby, whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

"I'm not that old…"

I liked Dead Like Me, but I find it to be an acquired taste. I can see it not being that appealing.

I tried with Hannibal, I really did. I'll stick with Wonderfalls and Pushing Daisies.

I tried with Hannibal, I really did. I'll stick with Wonderfalls and Pushing Daisies.

Aaron was supposed to be a sex addict with a stash of porn in a safe in his bedroom, but the show runners dropped that when Lee Pace took over. I'm trying to picture Adam Scott continuing in the role, but Pace was perfect.

I was thrilled when Person of Interest cast German-speaking actors to play Germans. I appreciated that they cared for verisimilitude in ways other programs don't.