
Dogs schmogs.

You son of a bitch.

It was thisclose to being German.


She has a Manimal-like hate for the show.

A riot is an ugly thing…

It gives worms to ex-girlfriends.

Look at this strange and nasty thing. I'm going to pet it.

When the poor lad called to thank his grandfather for paying the ransom, old Getty declined to come to the phone.

Much better than Hunter.

Not sorry enough to do something about it.

No, this is.

Thank you, Matthew, for giving us more substantive coverage than AV Club has of late. I appreciate it.


It's awfully good, though I'd give a nod to Person of Interest.


Better than making a Chang for the worse.

Back upstairs, Dorothy.

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

It's time for some Cold Chat!