
I feel happy…

Stop trying to make fetch happen. It's not going to happen.

What's a gaffer?

Not the Nine O'Clock News calls to me from the past!

I counter with "Jealousy."

Placeholder for BONG

He had six arms. Six arms!!!

Smugged to death?

Von Stauffenberg hates him!

It's understandable, two Prussians in Pickelhauber.

As well as the USS Akron.

You hunt the dreaded manatee?

"Free rein," as with a horse.

Oh, I don't either. I do think it was a baaaaaaad move.

They really should look into having an editor or two on staff.

For me, it's the timing. She's still there!

You don't think it's at least a little tacky for Ravi to kiss Peyton while the other woman is still in the house?

Not for Matthew Stechel!

Are you ready for some football???

Not if Harrison Ford has anything to say about it.