
Bison with a longbow.

I'm gonna kill ya; I'm gonna kill ya dead. Then I'm gonna bring ya back to life and kill ya again.


I'll call my uncle.

That's My Loki!

I will come for you from beyond my grave, you craven cat-hater.

She didn't want the crazy bread.

My diznoofus.

I'm outside Philadelphia, and we said "the prom."

Not Diane Mahree?


How close is that to the 666?


I still would have preferred the firm of Meisner and Schade, LLC.

Sean as Jack the Ripper was pretty bad.

Of all the stupid things the show did, that would have been the stupidest.

He should wear a party hat.

I don't remember ever seeing a Fuchsbau male, so I'm swapping two of the kits in my head canon. Little foxy bespectacled boy would be too cute! ETA: I'd actually like to see a Blutbad woman who isn't Monroe's ex. I liked her, but she didn't last long. A Blutbad watchmaker daughter.

Now I may actually watch season 4.

Well put. I thought some of the acting was phenomenal, and yet at the end, I felt disconnected from the story.