
Oh, I love Shaw.

3? I hated that fucking plot line but I only remember her doing it once.


I much prefer Miller to Cumberbatch, so I don't agree.

Shut up, you stupid bot.

You mean William? I agree.

A lot in that finale didn't feel earned. I didn't think they handled the permutations of William very well.

Maeve stays in charge.

People have different experiences with things. It's ok. It's just a show, you should really just relax.


It was Psycho!

Some cats are cool with dogs. Mine liked my roommate's Jack Russells and those dogs were nuts.

No proofreaders have ever graced their staff.

Joint Waste Disposal Board?

They have no proofreaders or editors. I'm not excusing it. I find it depressing.

Bear and Clyde solving crimes!

"Sherlock" is a much worse show than this. Its lows are staggering.

With Camie and Biggs?

But her dad does stink.

Not Lawrence; LaBoeuf.