

Oh, there were two other people who liked Caprica. "Hello…Willow."

I miss it so much. I miss Harold, and John, and Bear….Bear!!

Not giving you any points for the sexist insult. I'm pretty sure Sean has slept with more people.

He's got quite the Backpfeifengesicht.

I wouldn't say no.

I'll award her points for both.

I only watched Warehouse 13 intermittently. I should amend that.

I don't watch Arrow, but I trust your judgment. I was thinking Shaw.

Amy Acker should have been on more than just one episode of this show.

She's overstating it considerably, at least concerning geographic Scandinavia. Swedes and Danes hated each other 200 years ago. Now it's an affectionate condescension. I don't know why Icelanders would hate either Swedes or Danes, though Iceland used to be part of the Danish Kingdom.

For a show I like, Grimm really does suck sometimes.

James Marsters and Sasha Roiz on the same screen? Good god, Lemon.

Thank you for letting me know about that. I'm more interested in seeing what Toboni does than almost anyone else!

Bree Turner was always good. Giuntoli, on the other hand, has improved, though he's not as strong as Mitchell.

I may have loved Juliette instead of tolerating her.

I agree, though I think she can do better than Nick.

She'd rip his tiny hand right off.

I don't remember the last time I saw a Vogue outside of an airport.

I have 95 of them.