
I think Disqus is a snowmobile racing across the tundra, when suddenly it overturns, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come.

Are we positing a Machine av club or Samaritan av club?

We were discussing the cruel and errant scheduling of last week's episodes in the comments the week before, so I agree that the reviewer should have been aware of it too. Never trust CBS. We are all irrelevant numbers.

The CBS procedural framework kept me away from it at first. I'm glad I happened upon an episode in season 2, as it led me to watch it voraciously, including going back to the first season. I'm a fan of it all.

You scamp.

But at the cost of how many Tasmanian-tiger scientists?

Never to invade Russia in winter? Never to fight a war on two fronts?

The insuperable horror of a fair-haired assassin.

They haven't lifted the ban yet.

Bond will now be played by a hyperintelligent shade of blue.

He was also too blond for them.

Would you believe that I have a license to kill?

That movie was a damned waste of Parker Posey and her towering footwear.

He's Greer's less charming brother.

Acker was also a dancer, but I would have been fine with Glau showing up on POI.

Especially since we know Acker can do it!

This trailer is so perfect a condemnation of Sparks I refuse to accept that it is meant to be anything else.

She ran late a couple of weeks ago because she was unaware that CBS ran episodes on Monday and Tuesday. I thought that odd for the reviewer not to know. And now she skipped an episode?

Is she unaware of POI's strange schedule? I thought we all were hyperaware of it because CBS is burning it off as quickly as possible. Her reviews are great, but her timeliness is poor indeed.

Those hobos sure don't!