
The copy desk is a figment.

I wish the Healing Stick of Grimmly Magic had been with them in HW HQ.

And his fight scenes. Wretched Bonaparte. Thanks, Diana, you crazy, badly dressed, junior Hexenbiest, for dispatching him and using your dirtbag dad to do it.

I just fear Rosalee will be sidelined. She and Monroe were, to an extent, this season, and I'm just not a particular fan of babies on genre shows. I do find them acceptable if they experience SORAS and impale Zauberbiests with large pointed sticks.

Black Claw was just a red herring!

Carol Channing?

Kilgrave still makes me feel dirty in the safety of my home.

I have a pain in all the diodes down my left side.

I hate Sean so much at this point, it's like flames….flames on the side of my face…I hate him soooo much…

I wasn't happy about Juliette reemerging nor was I that pleased with Rosalee's pregnancy. We've suffered through two baby stories already! Why go through another?

Just this line is funnier than the clip above:

That was my main takeaway. His Foggy is much better.

No, you are not. I don't like this version of him at all.

But Foggy? Why would they want Foggy?

Deep cut!

Those insidious cretins know how to get into our brains.

Oh, it is.

Add Timothy Olyphant as her subordinate and that will get the rest of us.

I don't understand a thing Snuffleupagus says!

She had an affinity for it on Agent Carter, but this clip showcases her other attributes, which is far more important to ABC.