
Oh, you.

I went to South Street with a friend instead and bought records at Tower. Blessed vinyl.

Are you from Jersey?

It's funny because it's true!*

No you don't!


I won't. Booth is more charming and competent, even if the show got worse more quickly. I always thought Castle was an arrogant chucklehead.

Her revivified corpse is on the new MST3K.

Hayley Atwell and Amy Acker in a show together? I'd be floating like Snuffles.

I think he was born in Israel, though Cruz got a pass so why the hell not!

I can't really take Castle anymore. I really just want Root or Shaw to cross over long enough to kick his ass.

Not even a SuperK could stay open at the Gallery.

And Strawbridge & Clothiers!

It seems Dominic Cooper-Howard Stark is smarter than John Slattery-Howard Stark.

They joke so much about the inessential nature of Hawkeye, they really should stop bringing him back. Make room for someone more interesting like She-Hulk!

Please let it be Lincoln.

Hoodalolly! The shorts are some of my favorites, or can be if they involve a lot of garbage you can put on your face.

It was Gabriel Byrne with the additional nudity. Any Helen Mirren is godly.

And a pain in all the diodes down my left side. Life! Don't talk to me about life.

Joe knows it. He really hammers that home with "a man and his wife," like a man and his bible or a man and his goats or his cheese grater. Old-school Christianity and HBO, intrinsically linked I completely get it now.